单身女孩买需要但保人 自己的母亲有五险一金可以做担保人吗?


第1个回答  2019-11-20
第2个回答  2019-11-20
第3个回答  2019-11-20
第4个回答  2019-11-20
1. The insurance company does not have five insurance at present one gold. No liability base salary only very individual insurance companies, up to 2 months of no liability base salary. 3. You don't have to pay for the job, you may bet 100 or 200, you will get a refund when you leave. There is no charge for clothes, I buy suits all by myself. Car Money, telephone charges are out-of-pocket, they have no subsidies, nor reimbursement. 6. Work hours to find their own clients, where they want to go 7. But it takes a lot of money and a lot of time to build up a customer base. If you just graduated, don't go to 8. Let the Lord take it\",\"speak_url\":{\"speak_url\":\"/audiofrom=zh&to=en&voice=2&cate=speakUrl&key=632fa5e5d3ec74062b7c449190b30c97&query=1.保险公司目前没有五险一金 2.无责任底薪只有极个别保险公司才有,最多2个月的无责任底薪 3.入职不需要交钱,可能会押一二百,走的时候退你 4.没有服装费,西服都是自己买 5.车钱,电话费都是自费的,他们那没有任何补贴,也不能报销的 6.工作时间自己找客户,想去哪就去哪 7.不过做保险前期需要花很多钱,很多时间来积累客户,如果你是刚毕业的,千万别去 8.望楼主采纳一下\",\"tSpeak_url\":\"/audiofrom=zh&to=en&voice=2&cate=tSpeakUrl&key=b83bb741bfb706e5cf48c1b3ab94da0b&query=1. The insurance company does not have five insurance at present one gold. No liability base salary only very individual insurance companies, up to 2 months of no liability base salary. 3. You don't have to pay for the job, you may bet 100 or 200, you will get a refund when you leave. There is no charge for clothes, I buy suits all by myself. Car Money, telephone charges are out-of-pocket, they have no subsidies, nor reimbursement. 6. Work hours to find their own clients, where they want to go 7. But it takes a lot of money and a lot of time to build up a customer base. If you just graduated, don't go to 8. Let the Lord take it","speak_url":{"speak_url":"/audiofrom=en&to=zh&voice=2&cate=speakUrl&key=24d8860ad0d14991303a5d196f11e174&query=1. The insurance company does not have five insurance at present one gold. No liability base salary only very individual insurance companies, up to 2 months of no liability base salary. 3. You don't have to pay for the job, you may bet 100 or 200, you will get a refund when you leave. There is no charge for clothes, I buy suits all by myself. Car Money, telephone charges are out-of-pocket, they have no subsidies, nor reimbursement. 6. Work hours to find their own clients, where they want to go 7. But it takes a lot of money and a lot of time to build up a customer base. If you just graduated, don't go to 8. Let the Lord take it\",\"speak_url\":{\"speak_url\":\"/audiofrom=zh&to=en&voice=2&cate=speakUrl&key=632fa5e5d3ec74062b7c449190b30c97&query=1.保险公司目前没有五险一金 2.无责任底薪只有极个别保险公司才有,最多2个月的无责任底薪 3.入职不需要交钱,可能会押一二百,走的时候退你 4.没有服装费,西服都是自己买 5.车钱,电话费都是自费的,他们那没有任何补贴,也不能报销的 6.工作时间自己找客户,想去哪就去哪 7.不过做保险前期需要花很多钱,很多时间来积累客户,如果你是刚毕业的,千万别去 8.望楼主采纳一下\",\"tSpeak_url\":\"/audiofrom=zh&to=en&voice=2&cate=tSpeakUrl&key=b83bb741bfb706e5cf48c1b3ab94da0b&query=1. The insurance company does not have five insurance at present one gold. No liability base salary only very individual insurance companies, up to 2 months of no liability base salary. 3. You don't have to pay for the job, you may bet 100 or 200, you will get a refund when you leave. There is no charge for clothes, I buy suits all by myself. Car Money, telephone charges are out-of-pocket, they have no subsidies, nor reimbursement. 6. Work hours to find their own clients, where they want to go 7. But it takes a lot of money and a lot of time to build up a customer base. If you just graduated, don't go to 8. Let the Lord take it","tSpeak_url":"/audiofrom=en&to=zh&voice=2&cate=tSpeakUrl&key=24d8860ad0d14991303a5d196f11e174&query=1. The insurance company does not have five insurance at present one gold. No liability base salary only very individual insurance companies, up to 2 months of no liability base salary. 3. You don't have to pay for the job, you may bet 100 or 200, you will get a refund when you leave. There is no charge for clothes, I buy suits all by myself. Car Money, telephone charges are out-of-pocket, they have no subsidies, nor reimbursement. 6. Work hours to find their own clients, where they want to go 7. But it takes a lot of money and a lot of time to build up a customer base. If you just graduated, don't go to 8. Let the Lord take it\",\"speak_url\":{\"speak_url\":\"/audiofrom=zh&to=en&voice=2&cate=speakUrl&key=632fa5e5d3ec74062b7c449190b30c97&query=1.保险公司目前没有五险一金 2.无责任底薪只有极个别保险公司才有,最多2个月的无责任底薪 3.入职不需要交钱,可能会押一二百,走的时候退你 4.没有服装费,西服都是自己买 5.车钱,电话费都是自费的,他们那没有任何补贴,也不能报销的 6.工作时间自己找客户,想去哪就去哪 7.不过做保险前期需要花很多钱,很多时间来积累客户,如果你是刚毕业的,千万别去 8.望楼主采纳一下\",\"tSpeak_url\":\"/audiofrom=zh&to=en&voice=2&cate=tSpeakUrl&key=b83bb741bfb706e5cf48c1b3ab94da0b&query=1. The insurance company does not have five insurance at present one gold. No liability base salary only very individual insurance companies, up to 2 months of no liability base salary. 3. You don't have to pay for the job, you may bet 100 or 200, you will get a refund when you leave. There is no charge for clothes, I buy suits all by myself. Car Money, telephone charges are out-of-pocket, they have no subsidies, nor reimbursement. 6. Work hours to find their own clients, where they want to go 7. But it takes a lot of money and a lot of time to build up a customer base. If you just graduated, don't go to 8. Let the Lord take it



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