

第1个回答  2013-10-30
Michael Faraday:
British physicist and chemist, is also well-known self-taught scientist.
September 22, 1791 New Zealand-born Surrey because of a poor blacksmith Dayton family. Due to family poverty only a few years on the primary, when 13-year-old in a bookstore, as apprentices. Bookstore, the work so that he has the opportunity to read many scientific books. In sending reported that the binding, and so her spare time, chemical and electrical self-learning and hands a simple experiment to verify the contents of books. Use of spare time to participate in the Urban Institute study of philosophy, natural philosophy and listen to lectures, which were the basis of science education. Scientific research because of his love, dedication, by the British chemist David's appreciation, in March 1813 by David recommendation to the Royal Institute of laboratory assistant. Faraday This is a turning point in his life, he embarked on a commitment from the path of scientific research. In October David to the European continent for scientific study, lecture, Faraday as his secretary, assistant to accompany. During the year and a half, has after France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and other countries, to get to know the amp, Gay Lussac, and other famous scholars. David Faraday help along the way have done a lot of chemistry experiment, May 1815 to return to the Royal Institute under the guidance of David in chemical research. January 1824 elected members of the Royal Society, in February 1825 as director of the Royal Institute of Laboratory ,1833 ---- 1862 as the Royal Institute of Chemistry Professor. Lunfu De Medal in 1846 and was awarded the Royal Medal. August 25, 1867 death.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-10-30
Michael Faraday, FRS (22 September 1791 – 25 August 1867) was an English chemist and physicist (or natural philosopher, in the terminology of that time) who contributed to the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry.

Faraday studied the magnetic field around a conductor carrying a DC electric current, and established the basis for the magnetic field concept in physics. He discovered electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism, and laws of electrolysis. He established that magnetism could affect rays of light and that there was an underlying relationship between the two phenomena. His inventions of electromagnetic rotary devices formed the foundation of electric motor technology, and it was largely due to his efforts that electricity became viable for use in technology.

As a chemist, Faraday discovered benzene, investigated the clathrate hydrate of chlorine, invented an early form of the bunsen burner and the system of oxidation numbers, and popularized terminology such as anode, cathode, electrode, and ion.

Although Faraday received little formal education and knew little of higher mathematics, such as calculus, he was one of the most influential scientists in history. Some historians of science refer to him as the best experimentalist in the history of science. The SI unit of capacitance, the farad, is named after him, as is the Faraday constant, the charge on a mole of electrons (about 96,485 coulombs). Faraday's law of induction states that a magnetic field changing in time creates a proportional electromotive force.

Faraday was the first and foremost Fullerian Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, a position to which he was appointed for life.

Faraday was also highly religious, a member of the Sandemanian Church, a Christian sect founded in 1730 which demanded total faith and commitment. Biographers have noted that "a strong sense of the unity of God and nature pervaded Faraday's life and work."



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