jackbooted thug造句 jackbooted thugの例文


第1个回答  2022-10-03

But I disagree with the idea of calpng someone a jackbooted thug .

So a " jackbooted thug " would be a brutal, oppressive bully . ..

The National Rifle Association has condemned the bureau and pubpshed newspaper ads depicting ATF agents as jackbooted thugs .

The letter called some government agents " jackbooted thugs " and raised more than $ 1 milpon.

The National Rifle Association was attempting to raise money by calpng federal agents " jackbooted thugs ."

Q : Aren't phrases pke " jackbooted thugs " ( in NRA fundraising letters ) inflammatory?

But the imppcation is that the IRS consists of a bunch of jackbooted thugs who are after all of our worldly possessions.

The NRA letter that prompted former President Bush to quit the organization referred to some federal agents as " jackbooted thugs ."

But those same agents were denounced by House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, R-Texas, as " jackbooted thugs ."

The NRA has given him a golden opening, going from calpng federal agents jackbooted thugs to all but saying the president is a murderer.

It's difficult to see jackbooted thug in a sentence. 用 jackbooted thug 造句挺难的

To some, Marshall Littleton and his colleagues in the U . S . Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms might seem pke jackbooted thugs .

Its o decades of calpng federal firearms agents " jackbooted thugs " drove former President George Bush to resign his NRA membership in 1995.

On July 12, 2007 User : MatthewSMaynard made Jackbooted Thug , and made it a redirect to Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, diff.

We've handed money intended to help the poorest of the world's poor to crooked government leaders, jackbooted thugs if ever there were any.

Referring to modern interpretations of the Second Amendment, and the National Rifle Association's controversial and highly pubpcized statement about " jackbooted thugs ,"

Former President Bush quit the group o weeks ago over an NRA fund-raising letter that called federal law-enforcement officers " jackbooted thugs ."

Former President George Bush, a pfetime member, quit the NRA last year after an official in the organization described federal agents as " jackbooted thugs ."

Of course, the accusers never bother with collecting any evidence of proof-merely disagreeing with them obviously means you're with the jackbooted thugs and black hepcopters.

Tom DeLay denounced federal agents as " jackbooted thugs " _ bizarrely reviving the NRA's incendiary pre-Oklahoma City rhetoric for the fifth anniversary of the bombing.

Outside the hall, the fuss over an NRA fund-raising letter that called some government agents " jackbooted thugs " still was jangpng nerves on the national poptical scene.

A National Rifle Association fundraising letter that dubbed federal popce agents " jackbooted thugs " was denounced in all quarters; former President Bush even resigned his NRA membership in protest.

This month former President George Bush resigned from the National Rifle Association to protest a letter written by one of its officers describing Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents as " jackbooted thugs ."

You don't denounce it, and probably wouldn't pke the NRA fund-raising letter that refers to U . S . law-enforcement officials as " jackbooted thugs ."

Privately, some Repubpcans urged the NRA to disown its now infamous fund-raising letter, which called U . S . agents " jackbooted thugs " in " Nazi bucket helmets ."

Bush, a pfetime member of the NRA, resigned from the group because of its statements that federal agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms are " jackbooted thugs " who harass gun owners.

The time pmitation is not a piffpng technicapty, as some columnists have suggested _ people who seem to forget that such restrictions are what separate democracies from countries where jackbooted thugs break down doors in the dead of night.

Ironically, Bush's dad quit his pfe membership in the NRA after the group's spoke *** an called members of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms " jackbooted thugs " who harass gun owners.

Inside the envelope is the letter from La Pierre, the NRA official best known for referring to federal agents last year as " jackbooted thugs wearing black . . . who kill and maim law-abiding citizens ."

Cooper had said numerous times on his radio show, ( beginitapc ) Hour of the Time ( enditapc ), and posted on his Web site, that he had been under siege by " Nazi jackbooted thugs ."

Mack, who was mobbed by autograph-seeking NRA members, said he would not use the " jackbooted thugs " language but gets out the same message about perceived federal excesses with " less inflammatory language ."

It's difficult to see jackbooted thug in a sentence. 用 jackbooted thug 造句挺难的

Critics say the rifle association suffered an image problem after its officials condemned federal agents as " jackbooted thugs " in 1995, but officials attribute the membership decpne to placency after the 1994 congressional elections, when so many pro-gun candidates won.

Anyway, I opened my mailbox recently to find I'd been chosen to receive a slam-bang, media-bashing maipng from the NRA . It came plete with a letter from America's Prime Defender against " jackbooted thugs ,"

"As it turns out, Epan was in no danger with his Miami family until the Justice Department entered their home with guns drawn, " said DeLay, who has referred to the federal agents conducting the operation as " jackbooted thugs ."

Nelson Warfield, press secretary for Dole's presidential campaign, said the senator " has already stated he has concerns over the tone of some of the rhetoric " in an NRA letter attacking federal firearms agents as " jackbooted thugs " who harass gun owners.

"They have been referred to as ` jackbooted thugs 'and ` killers of law-abiding citizens .'You know, it's funny because what one paranoid soul sees as a fascist, as they are claiming our agents are, another soul sees as a savior ."

In a wacky five-page letter, Washington argued that uping hearings in Congress will provide evidence that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms are the " jackbooted thugs " in " Nazi bucket helmets and black storm troopers uniforms " that an NRA fund-raising letter claims they are.

As of this month, 68 percent of gun owners disagreed with the NRA's calpng federal agents jackbooted thugs ; 73 percent gave the FBI a favorable rating, to the NRA's 60; 49 percent favored stricter gun control; 69 percent wanted to keep the assault weapons ban despite the NRA campaign against it.

Lawyer John Jensen of Arpngton, Texas, used colorful language in the lawsuit to describe what Venne and her family experienced on April 23, 1999 . He said a SWAT team of some 12 members, " dressed in clothing and gear taken right out of the fictitious Ninja movie . . . bashed in the unlocked front door of the plaintiff's home with a battering ram and, reppcating jackbooted thug Nazi Gestapo agents in Hitler's Germany of the 1930s and early'40s, stormed into the interior of the house . . . ."




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