

第1个回答  2015-12-17
Ideal first spring Flowers; ideally, the first bunch of burning summer sun; ideally, the first one is the autumn fruits; ideally, the first flakes of snow in winter; its ideal desert oasis; ideal , is the life of the horn sounded. Ideal mountain of the sea, ideal Qiuniao the blue sky, trees over the earth. things like this, let alone a human? Looking at all times, where the National Cheng Kung University industry, which is no great Ideal! ah! a person is not ideal, then lost his life in the desert is like a compass, disoriented. If a person is not ideal, then, just as the birds lost their wings, never to fly. If A person without a lost ideal like the sun shining, bright light can never be fired! I understand, only to be ideal to enrich people will be full of love for life, you will find fruitful autumn, sail life , play to their wisdom to contribute to human ideals but I do and where I had stretched out his hands to heaven asked, also wrestling over trance till today, I have the answer -.?. I have to do a moderator.
I have had many desirable: painters, scientists, and even a detective, a billionaire, but host this ideal is not changed before.
The 21st century is the information age, television has become a necessity of life. TV host more colorful, they are every day in the studio, stage, presided over the front of the TV and the audience to watch the wonderful show.

I grew up on the host full of respect for this profession. When the host so nice, every day on television must have felt great! And TV presenters all knowledgeable and eloquent. Little I not only to them , more full of interest for this job!
They were brilliant hosts: some singing and dancing, some well versed in literature, and some extraordinary memory, some glib ......
Moderator always give people the latest information: news, entertainment news, and some front-line news presenter also lurking in the disaster area, risking their lives for the people reporting line news for the people's interests and work with, not. Asia in the police, doctors, fire officers and soldiers.
Of course, the ideal is the ideal after all, only work hard, be able to turn ideals into reality, not just say do not do. I think that to be a good host, it should start early efforts from now on to learn the basics, as long Large pave the way later to learn not only good, but also should see more extracurricular books, read useful books, an increase of extra-curricular knowledge; and, to all-round development, broad interests learn a director; also should be more Practice, practice more and improve their courage and perseverance, exercise bold character; more need a lot of reading, exercise eloquence; diligent in writing, to improve the level coursework.
第2个回答  2016-12-15
Men often discover their affinity to each other by the mutual love they have for a book just



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