

第1个回答  2014-12-05
Setup of cold water machine, some matters needing attention!
1, please check whether the installation during the cold water machine damage, choose the right place, to facilitate future chiller installation and repair.
2, site installation unit must be the floor, mounting pad or foundation, its level within 6.4mm, operating weight and can withstand the industrial water chiller.
3, the chiller should be placed at room temperature for 4.4 to 43.3 degrees in the computer room, industrial chillers around and above should have adequate space for the daily maintenance work.
In the end of 4, industrial water cooling machine should be set aside for cleaning condenser tube bundle tube drawing space, also can use the door or other suitable location hole.
5, select the appropriate diameter of pipe, cooling system with maximum power while running and cold water chiller plant system, and the correct link.
6, for the applications of general, allowed in 1.0-36.m/s between the velocity of flow through the evaporator and condenser
7, in the no load condition, water flow shall be kept stable.
8, the design of all the chilled water and cooling water piping and installation should be carried out according to the conventional method, chilled water pump located in the cold water inlet pipe to the machine, to ensure that the internal pressure and the flow rate of water chiller. Piping should be set up to ensure proper elastic damping tube, but also to prevent when the pump shutdown evaporator water was shot.
9, firmly supporting pipes should be independent of industrial water chillers, avoid the stress exerted on the chiller components. Set up to facilitate pipeline hanger on.
10, in order to reduce noise and vibration, it is best to install vibration isolator in a road.
Some 11, in order to economic use of billions of brand effectively cold water machine, water quality of our manufacturers recommend please water treatment expert analysis of evaporator and condenser water chillers, water quality is not good cause fouling effect of heat transfer, or corrosion precipitation, the breeding of organic matter, affects the unit's performance, increase the operating and maintenance costs.
12, in general, the correct treatment of water and tube bundle periodic cleaning to maintain its good performance, if the water quality condition of existing cannot use appropriate methods to improve, you need to consider allowing bundle dirt coefficient larger or designated special structure material. 13, please add filters at the water inlet, and regular cleaning.
14, leakage test is completed, all nozzles must undertake antirust processing.
15, in order to facilitate the daily maintenance work, cold water machine users can adopt the following measures;
A. with plug pressure gauge and a cut-off valve can be installed in the cooling water and chilled water inlet and outlet pipe, as close as possible to the industrial water chiller; B. equipment can be mounted above the hanging rail and beam with convenient maintenance.
第2个回答  推荐于2016-02-17
1、 机组吊运定位安装时须注意安全,并请切勿使机组发生碰撞,以保证设备完整。
2、 机组安装场所应在避风吹寸淋,阳光直射或其它有热源直接幅射到的地方;机房环境须保持干燥、清洁,并确保通风良好,并留有便于机组保养检修的空间。
3、 机组安装于强度须坚固的水泥平台,并在机组底架下垫上防震橡胶垫,校正机组水平,装好地脚螺丝。
4、 与机组配套使用的循环水泵应参照机组所标明的水流量、水阻力等数据要求选型安装。
5、 水泵须设置于机组进水口前,水泵入口应安装过滤器,避免异物进入机组的热交换器,机组若安装于水质较差地区,须作水处理以避免热交换器损坏。
6、 连接机组的水管道系统须安装水流开关、水压表、温度计等,便于机组日常运转的检查和维护。
7、 为避免有空气滞留于水系统,必须于机组回水管道最高点处安装排气阀或膨胀水箱。
8、 冷冻水管路保温应确实得当,避免冷量散失及凝露现象产生。
9、 系统连接管道的重量不得由机体承受,机组进出水接口应须安装橡胶防震软接头及阀门。避免振动及便于检修维护。
10、 机组配置电线时应按耗电功率选用截面稍大些的有相应余量的电线,并接驳安装可靠的电控无件及电源接地,以防止漏电事故发生。
11、 由于机组杨有逆相、缺相保护,接线安装时须注意线路相位是否正确,错接相位及缺相时机组均不能正常运转。
12、 当机组在冬天停机超过2小时或夏天停机超过1天,须送电先加热压缩机的油温后再启动机组运转。
13、 冬季外气环境温度低于0度以下时,机组长时间(约数天)停机会使水管路冻结,水管路设计及施工时须有防机组受冻结损坏功能,避免管路冻结最好是将管路中的水全部排除。
14、 机组操作管理人员需随时观察机组运行状况,一旦发现异常情况请及时排除故障,强制运行必将对机组造成损害。
15、 在保修期内,我公司承诺对所有冷水机组提供免费的保用保修服务,当机组在使用过程中遇到无法排除的故障,请将机组型号、部件名称告之经销商或我公司,以便尽快为您提供快捷修服务。
Notes for the installation and Maintenance of Machine.
1. Pay more attention to the Lifting positioning installation by avoiding the crash of the machine.
2. Make sure the installation place with good ventilation, clean, under shade, dry and keep away from any heating sources. Leave enough space for the future maintenance service.
3. The machine should be installed strongly in the cement platform, put the anti-vibration rubber rail under the bottom of the machine, adjust the installation level, and fix it with bolt.
4. The circulating water pump should be chose and installed based on the technical data of main machine , like flow rate , water pressure .
5. The circulating water pump should be installed in the front of the inlet port of machine, it should add the water filter at the inlet port of water pump to avoid the impurity flow into the heat exchanger. If the machine installed in the bad water quality region, it should be first to make the purified solution for the water to avoid the damage of the heat exchanger.
6. The water pipeline, which connect with the machine should install a flow switch, water pressure, temperature gauge . These parts will be good for the future maintenance of the machine.
7. To avoid the air stay in the water system, it must install a discharge valve or expansion water tank in the highest port of the return water pipeline.
8. It should insulated for the cold water pipeline to avoid the loss of cooling capacity and condensation.
9. It can’t connect the water pipeline with system of machine directly, it should add some anti-vibration soft connector and gate valve.
10. When connect with the power source, it should chose the suitable wire based on the maximum output power of the machine, and chose the more reliable electronic components and power ground.
11. Since the machine have the anti-phase and missing phase protection. When connect the wire, pls make sure the phase connect well, If phase is wrong or missing phase, the unit can’t start to work.
12. If the unit stop to work around 2 hours in the winter and one day in the summer, it should first to connect the power to heat the compressor oil , then start the machine.
13. While the ambient working temperature in the winter under 0 deg C , If it stop to use around several days, the water pipeline may be frozen, it should do some anti-freezing solution when design and install the water pipeline. But the best way is to discharge the water fully in the pipeline if you stop the machine.
14. The operator should pay more attention on the running condition of the machine, If it found some abnormal condition, pls remove the fault on time. If it force to run, it will bring heavy damage to the machine.
15. Under warranty period, we will provide free repair service to our machine, when the customer can’t solve the problem by reading the instruction book, pls contact us with the exactly information of the machine like the model number, and parts name.
Warning: The machine is the high voltage and technology strictly requested units, it should be operated and maintained by the professional technical man with perusal the Installation instruction book.本回答被提问者采纳



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