

第1个回答  2022-06-20


  第Ⅰ卷 听力部分(15分)

  Ⅱ.听句子, 选择正确答语(5分)

  What's her telephone number?

  6.A.I'm Joy.

  B.It's 555­7523.

  C.That's a map.

  What's your name?

  7.A.No. B.I'm Mary C.It's red.

  What's that in English?

  8.A.It's a pencil. B.Yes. C.Thank you.

  Is this your watch?

  9.A.It's a key. B.Yes, it is. C.No, it is.

  How do you spell “case”?

  10.A.Yes. B.It's a case. C.C­A­S­E.

  Ⅲ.听对话, 判断正(T)误(F)(5分)

  W:Good afternoon!

  M:Good afternoon!I lost my hat.

  W:What color is it?

  M:It's black.

  W:OK.What's you r name?

  M:My name is L im Hunt.

  W:How do you spell it?

  M:L­I­M, Lim.H­U­N­T, Hunt.

  W:How old are you?


  W:What's your telephone number?



  11.The boy's first name is Lim.

  12.The boy's last name is Hunt.

  13.His hat is white.

  14.He is 15.

  15.His telephone number is 2886342.

  第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(85分)


  16.—What's this in English?


  A.It is sharpener B.It's a pen

  C.Yes, it's a pencil D.No, it's a pen

  17.This is an ______.The color is white.

  A.book B.pencil C.UFO D.eraser

  18.—Is that your quilt?

  —______.It's her quilt.

  A.Yes, it is B.Yes, that is C.No, it isn't D.No, that isn't

  19.This is Jane's telephone number.You can ______ her.

  A.call B.meet C.thank D.spell

  20.This is a ______.His ruler and pens are in it.

  A.watch B.ring C.baseball D.pencil case

  21.Is this your baseball ______ the lost and found box?

  A.at B.of C.in D.to

  22.—How do you spell your name?


  A.My name is Bill B.I'm Bill C.Bill D.B­I­L­L

  23.T his is ______ pencil and that is ______ eraser.

  A.a;a B.an;an C.a;an D.an;a

  24.Please ______ Mr. Brown ______ 495­3539.

  A.call;to B.telephone;to C.call;at D.telephone;for

  25.—______.Do you know his name?

  —______, I don't know.

  A.Sorry;Excuse me B.Hello;Yes

  C.Excuse me;Sorry D.Hi;Er


  Look at the lost and found case.__26__ that?It's __27__ eraser.I think (想) it's his __28__.And I lost a __29__ of __30__.I must write(写) a notice.If (如果) __31__ find the keys, please __32__ me __33__ 555­6741.__34__ name is Maggie White.__35__ you!

  26.A.What B.It's C.What's D.This

  27.A.the B.a C.an D./

  28.A.case B.eraser C.keys D.quilt

  29.A.gold B.set C.nice D.good

  30.A.eraser B.cases C.keys D.quilt

  31.A. I B.you C.he D.she

  32.A.call B.meet C.found D.see

  33.A.in B.on C.at D. to

  34.A.My B.His C.Her D.Your

  35.A.See B.Thank C.Meet D.Thanks







  Telephone number:359­5934


  I'm Linda.

  I lost a yellow ring.

  Please call Bill or me.My phone number is 485­3982.

  Bill's telephone number is 683­5912


  Is this your jacket?

  It's a red jacket.And an ID card is in it.

  My name is Mike.My telephone number is 239­5178.

  36.Cindy found a(n)______.

  A.watch B.ring C.jacket D.ID card

  37.______ lost a ring.

  A.Cindy B.Linda C.Bill D.Mike

  38.What's Mike's telephone number?

  A.359­5934. B.485­3982. C.239­5178. D.683­5912.

  39.What color is the jacket?

  A.Black. B.Wh ite. C.Yellow. D.Red.

  40.Which of the following is TRUE?

  A.Bill lost an ID card. B.The watch is yellow.

  C.Mike found a jacke t and an ID card. D.Cindy's telephone number is 683­5912.



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