untitled love rap歌词,要全的

我要这首英文版的“归”的歌词,这首歌叫untitled love rap。是个英文歌,我要全部的歌词,有的给下,感激不尽!
我日……4个都不对……我要的是那个背景音乐和龙井的归一样的untitled love rap

第1个回答  2010-09-14
00:00.37]原谅我不懂得唱歌 令你耳膜都穿破

[00:08.76]原谅我结他不太好 越弹越错

[00:15.38]原谅我写曲不算多 但我冇赶交功课

[00:22.70]若我作得都算好 请记住我

[00:30.22]歌不需要花巧太多 震音到假音你都叻过我

[00:36.74]所以我 只好作多几只歌 期望能令你有日感动过

[00:43.82]无论有冇坐定听过 纵使你想起身走去厕所

[00:50.94]如未来碰见我 能话从细细个 已经你开始咗


[01:01.90]ah 好多朋友问过我做乜仲要rap歌


[01:07.31]廿年后仲Check it out 我仲老过你老豆

[01:10.95]仲举高只手又洗乜怕丑 你唔呕我都知丑

[01:14.39]就算系你最喜爱 无几耐会被取代

[01:17.91]Rap可以兴几耐 点样同流行曲比赛

[01:21.43]唔紧要我再澄清 我哋唔系要做明星

[01:24.86]即使记得玲玲玲玲 总有日忘记我名称


[01:31.03]都记得今日出街连师奶都同我say hi

[01:35.46]无言感激 太多喺心 我哋将佢变做歌

[01:39.47]无错知音变多咗 但我哋仍然系我

[01:44.94]无谂过要上C1 无谂过做大师级

[01:48.63]我依然用同一支笔 谂到乜就写啲乜



[01:58.12]Come on Let's rap along rap到天光

[02:02.37]即使到八十岁 都需要继续去

[02:05.92]再rap along rap到口乾


[02:13.00]我rap along 乜嘢都讲

[02:16.53]恳请你记住我 DJ你记住播

[02:20.07]这rap along Rap along song


[02:26.83]Rap along and on rap along and on

[02:33.76]Rap along and on~~

[02:40.93]Rap along and on rap along and on

[02:48.01]Rap along and on~~

[02:55.14]Rap along and on rap along and on

[03:02.16]Rap along and on~~
第2个回答  2010-09-14
ti:y'all my niggas]

we use the word everyday
now if we don't know the capacity of this word
are we headed for conflict or not?
because we did not breakdown the capacity of the same what?
brothers and sisters this is why we're still hung up in consciousness
we've been taught wrong.
find a room to lock yourself in and close the door
it's some heavy concepts that we gotta explore
we gotta strip the word down rugged and raw
the rhetoric of martin king just aint around no more
dave bowie ain't here james baldwin neither
they all were leaders
but they ain't help me get this porsche two seater
a lawyer left the hood he never looked back
to be a fortune 500 ceo it took rap
so what if my pants sag with my hat turned back
the same swag got our merchandise flying off the rack
marketing companies that's hiring blacks
fresh hip hop lingo for your campaign ads
the controversy surrounds who could say it and when
some niggas are full time some play and pretend
so f**k that no apologies on the issue
if it offends you
it's meant to
it's that simple

tryin to erase me from y'all memory

too late i'm engraved in history (i'm here my niggas)

speak my name and breath life in me

make sure y'all never forget me (cuz y'all give me life)

cause y'all use my name so reckless

whether to be accepted or disrespected (and i love it)

and i love it especially when y'all do it in public

and i'm the subject

cause y'all my niggas
yo i was thinking a little bit what would it take
to authenticate my nigganess
ball ridiculous
26 inches when i call up the dealership
ahh that's some nigga shit
we only out for our own benefit
we havin' too many kids
we claudine's welfare recipients
the infamous free clinics is the sickest shit
it make me think what the hell they clean they syringes with
everybody bleedin
the cops are the demons
courtrooms full of goons
jail buses leanin
handcuffs squeezed too tight
on youth life
if u fight they just give in
people used to do sit ins
they got nigeria and niger two different countries
somehow niger turned to nigger
and shit got ugly
the problem is we started thinking like the colonists
'til noble dru ali
started droppin that consciousness
my father was not a banker
neither was my neighbor when it came to getting paper
who the hell was gonna train us
a pressure couldn't escape us through the ages
we changed the basis of derogatory phrases
and i say it's quite amazing
the use the ghetto terms developed our own language
no matter where it came from
it's celebrated now people are mad if they ain't one
every word we use- it has a capacity
and if you don't understand the word you're using and understand the capcity of it
you are using words that is c



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