翻译成英语: 1、刚才我看见一个女孩正在路边玩 2、他是一个20岁的年轻人,他的工作是出租车司机

翻译成英语: 1、刚才我看见一个女孩正在路边玩 2、他是一个20岁的年轻人,他的工作是出租车司机 3、他从商店拿了一支钢笔,不付钱 4、今天他的父母送他去学校 5、他期待他能得到好成绩 6、他的父母同意他玩一小时电脑 7、我看见过一个母亲冬天给孩子送外套 8、我的牙很疼但是我及时去看牙医 9、令人伤心的是,杰克失去了母亲,但没有人帮助他 10、他正在考虑,他怎样去学习。

第1个回答  2014-03-05
  1、刚才我看见一个女孩正在路边玩II saw a girl playing beside the road just now,
2、他是一个20岁的年轻人,他的工作是出租车司机 He is a twenty-year-old young man and his job is a taxi driver.
3、他从商店拿了一支钢笔,不付钱 He took a pen from the shop without paying for it.
4、今天他的父母送他去学校Today his parents sent him to school.
5、他期待他能得到好成绩He is looking forward to achieve a good grade.
6、他的父母同意他玩一小时电脑 His parents agreed with his playing computer games for an hou 7、我看见过一个母亲冬天给孩子送外套I saw a mother sending her daughter a coat in thewinter.
8、我的牙很疼但是我及时去看牙医My teeth hurt but I didn't go to see the dental doctor.
9、令人伤心的是,杰克失去了母亲,但没有人帮助他To Jack's sadness,no one helps him after his mother died.
10、他正在考虑,他怎样去学习。He is considering how he will go to study.
第2个回答  2014-03-05
1, I saw a girl was on the side of the road to play
2, He is a young man of 20 years, his work is a taxi driver
3, He took a pen from the store, don't pay
4, Today, his parents sent him to the school
5, He expected him to get good grades
6, His parents agreed he played an hour computer
7, I saw a mother winter send children coat
8, My tooth hurts but I to go to the dentist
9, Sadly, Jack lost her mother, but no one helped him
10, He is considering how to learn本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2014-03-05
He is a young man of 20 years, his work is a taxi driver

He took a pen from the store, don't pay追问



1、刚才我看见一个女孩正在路边玩II saw a girl playing beside the road just now,
2、他是一个20岁的年轻人,他的工作是出租车司机 He is a twenty-year-old young man and his job is a taxi driver.
3、他从商店拿了一支钢笔,不付钱 He took a pen from the shop without paying for it.
4、今天他的父母送他去学校Today his parents sent him to school.
5、他期待他能得到好成绩He is looking forward to achieve a good grade.
6、他的父母同意他玩一小时电脑 His parents agreed with his playing computer games for an hou 7、我看见过一个母亲冬天给孩子送外套I saw a mother sending her daughter a coat in thewinter.
8、我的牙很疼但是我及时去看牙医My teeth hurt but I didn't go to see the dental doctor.
9、令人伤心的是,杰克失去了母亲,但没有人帮助他To Jack's sadness,no one helps him after his mother died.
10、他正在考虑,他怎样去学习。He is considering how he will go to study.

第4个回答  2014-03-05
I saw a girl playing near the street right now.追问






第5个回答  2014-03-05
He is a twentydriveryoungerHe take a pen for no pay moneyHis parents takehe togo to schoolintheday



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