英语语法-7 复杂句、复合句、复合复杂句、逗号拼接谬误


第1个回答  2022-07-21
1、复杂句(Complex Sentences),主句+从句。

主句(独立存在)+ 从句(不是句子,不能单独使用) =复杂句

The boy who lived next door went fishing last weeked.

Skipping merrily down the road, Sally waved at her friends.

Though he was late for class, he walked slowly down the hall.

After running a mile, Barry sat down exhausted.

He was already full and needed only a glass of water. (不是复杂句)

2、复合句(Compoud Sentences),两个主句 + 一个连接词。

John is taking seven classes this semester , so he was no time to play soccer .

He was an excellent swimmer , and his friend was a great distance runner.

3、复合复杂句(Compoud Complex Sentences)。复合句+复杂句。

John was a triathlete who trained everyday , but he was still unable to finish the Iron Man Triathon.

Though John trained everyday, he was unable to finish the Iron Man Triathon.(不是复合复杂句)

When David arrives in the afternoon , we will be able to eat out, but we will not have enough time to go shopping.

David, who is arriving this afternoon, will not have enough time to go shopping.(不是复合复杂句)

4、逗号拼接谬误(Comma Splice)。用逗号来分离两个主句的时候容易犯错。一般情况下,用 逗号+连接词 , 分号 或者 句号 其中一个。

Mike studied diligently each night , he was able to get stright A's.(此处逗号之后没有连接词,此句错误,正确应为 Mike studied diligently each night ,so he was able to get stright A's. )

Though he practiced piano two hourse each day, he still could not master the sonata , it was so difficult. (第二个逗号是错误的,缺少连接词)



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