

第1个回答  2022-11-13
《致――》 《 TO----》 (雪莱) by Shelley 有一个字经常被人亵渎 One word is too often profaned 我不会再来亵渎 For me to profane it, 有一种感情被人假意鄙薄 One feeling too falsely distain'd 你也不会再来鄙薄。 For thee to distain it; 有一种希望太似绝望; One hope is too like despair 何须再加提防! For prudence to *** other, 你的令悯之情无人能比, And pity from thee more dear 温暖着我的心。 Than that from another. 我不能给你人们所称的爱情, I can not give what men call love: 但不知你能否接受 But wilt thou accept not 这颗心对你的仰慕之情, The worship the heart lifts above 连上天也不会拒绝。 And the heavens reject not, 犹如飞蛾扑向星星, And the desire of the moth for the star, 又如黑夜追求黎明。 Of the nigth for the morrow 这种思慕之情, The devotion to something afar 早已跳出了人间的苦境! From the sphere of our sorrow.   

to----by shelley    雪莱的一首著名的爱情诗 one word is too often profaned      for me to profane it,one feeling too falsely distain'd      for thee to distain it;one hope is too like despair      for prudence to *** other,and pity from thee more dear      than that from another.i can not give what men call love:     but wilt thou accept notthe worship the heart lifts above    and the heavens reject not,and the desire of the moth for the star,    of the nigth for the morrowthe devotion to something afar   from the sphere of our sorrow.

致――有一个字经常被人亵渎  我不会再来亵渎有一种感情被人假意鄙薄  你也不会再来鄙薄。有一种希望太似绝望;  何须再加提防!你的令悯之情无人能比,  温暖着我的心。我不能给你人们所称的爱情,  但不知你能否接受这颗心对你的仰慕之情,   连上天也不会拒绝。犹如飞蛾扑向星星,  又如黑夜追求黎明。这种思慕之情,  早已跳出了人间的苦境!



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