

第1个回答  2015-07-11
  1` Everything may take place with someone's effort.
  2`In memory of our ancestors,we celebrate Qingming Festival every year.
  3` He dressed up as fast as possible in order not to be late.
  4`He never foresaw what would happen when he played a trick on that poor lady.
  5`I looked forward to meeting her last summer.
  6`She studies day and night.
  7`As though she is quite young, she has mastered seven languages.
  8` I could have fun with my friend after finishing my homework.
  9`She didn't turn up at the party last night.
  10` It is loyal of you to keep your word until the last moment.
  11` I held my breath to hide myself in the dark,terrifying to be found.
  12` The airplane didn't set off until 9:30 pm.
  13` The touching melody reminded me of the past golden days.
  14` You ought to know by now how much I love you.
  15` I will try my best to lose weight this summer.
  16` A murderer can never get away with crime.
  17` Don`t tell a lie ,or you may lose every thing you want.
  18` He decided to participate in this competition to win hishonour back.
  19` He earns his living by playing the violin in a subway station.
  20` The Smith's family is in debt and has no way to pay back.
  21` You have to cut down this article,it's too long.
  22` He will recover and get back to school before long.
  23` She was afraid to hear someone saying she put on weight.
  24` She was broght up as a little princess.
  25` He never dares to make a bet,because he fears to lose money.



38` We should prevent children from fire.

39` Cheer up,or you will never overcome the challenge.
40` Now that you have known the rule,take your turn.
41` The flu broke out six years ago.
42` Watch out for your purse.
43` I would like to share rather than steal.
44` Plaese settle down what I have just said.
45` She managed to get the position of manager.
46` I caught sight of that actor in London.
47` She has a gift for music.
48` We are in the distance of 1000 miles.
49` Nobody paid attention to his speech.
50` We gradually get familiar with each other.



第2个回答  2015-07-11

    The accident took place yesterday.

    He set up a tombstone in memory his wife.

    You don't need to dress up for dinner.

    Don't play tricks on him.

    We 'll look forward to seeing him tomorrow.

    He works day and night.

    He speaks English as though he were an Englishman.

    Did you have fun with him yesterday?

    Will you turn up the TV?

    You should keep your word.

    Hold your breath in water.

    Let's set off.

    This photo reminded me of my childhood.

    You ought to finish it by yourself.

    She wants to lose weight.

    You won't get away with this.

    He told a lie just now.

    They will work hard to win back the confidence of the people

    In the past, it's difficult for the poor to earn their living.

    He is always in debt.




21. He cut down a tree just now.
22. He will leave for England before long.
23. Most of them don't want to put on weight.
24. She will bring up the child herself.
25.Let's make a bet.



第3个回答  2015-07-11
第4个回答  2015-07-11
第5个回答  2015-07-11






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