

第1个回答  2010-04-02
1 Dear Passengers/Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to take to our train. The train NO. T9 is from Beijing west railway station to Chongqing. 旅客们,大家好。欢迎乘坐T9次特快列车,本次列车是由北京西开往重庆。
2 The departure time is 15.18 and the arrival time is 16.04 next day. 列车15.18分开,次日16.04终到重庆
3 Please get on board as soon as possible because the departure time is approaching. 列车的开车时间快要到了,请旅客们尽快上车。
4 If you have some trouble during your journey, please contact with the conductors or the police in time. 如果您有旅途中遇到困难的话,请及时与列车长或乘警取得联系。
5 The dinning car is in the middle of the train, NO.10 car. The broadcasting room is in No.12 car. 餐车在列车的中部10号车厢,广播室在12号车厢。
6 The next station is Shijiangzhuang, the train will arrive at 18.06 and leave at 18.12, 6 minutes for staying. 前方到站石家庄车站,列车18.06到,18.12开,停留6分。
7 Dear passengers, due to the cause of weather/running, the train are now out of the schedule. We deeply express our appology for delaying your journey time. 广大旅客们,由于天气/运行问题,列车现在晚点运行,对于因晚点对您造成的损失,我们深表歉意。
8 I am the conductor XXX of this train, I am appreciated of your understanding and support on behalf of our group. 我是本次列车的列车长某某某, 对于您对我们工作的理解的支持,我代表本次乘务组向您表示感谢。
9 The train is equiped with air-condition and the windows are intact, so smoking is not allowed in the car. If you want to smoke, please do it at the connection of cars. 由于列车是空调车,窗户为全封闭的,所以车内禁止吸烟。 如果您实在想吸烟,请到列车车厢的连接处吸烟。
10 The train will arrive at the terminal Chongqing, please check over if there is something left on the train. 列车就要到达本次行程的终点站重庆站了,请旅客朋友仔细检查一下自己随身携带的行李是否有遗忘在车上
11 If you are in hurry that you have not buy ticket, please make it up in car N0.9. 如果您因为时间紧促的原因没来得及买票的话,请到9号车厢办理补票手续。



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