
1. The history of English language and the history of English language in China
English to be international language in the world, not any language can match with its success. There were more than 400 million people regards English as the mother tongue occupies the second of the world.The history of the English language was divided into three periods: The period from 450 to 1150 is known as the Old English. The period from 1150 is known as the Middle English period. The modern English period extends from 1500 to the present day.
About 19 centuries, the British and American colonialist became the most important trade businessman in Guangzhou and Shanghai. For the sake of business in China, English turn into main tool of language. At September 4, 1807, British missionary were send to China to propagate the Christianity
Protestantism. These missionaries adapt the Chinese culture, study Chinese language to spread their doctrine. Learn Chinese, teach English and make friends with Chinese people, both for the sake of dissemination Christianity.
The influence of English language in China includes three important stages. The first stage was
Tang period, Zhangqian were sent to western region, has bring the massive English loan word, like ”grape” “eggplant” ”pomegranate” and so on. At A.D.7 centuries, Tangxuanzang went to western paradise, has bring back to the massive Buddhist literature from the South Asia various countries. He took many English words and expressions enter Chinese. It’s “monk” “Nepal” “tower” “bodhisattva” and so on. Those words became Chinese basic glossary. The second stage was from Qing period to “May fourth movement” period. At this period, English were take a great contribute in Chinese literature translation history. For example, “Bible” the translation not only increased Chinese glossary, but also to promote the Chinese language culture development. The third stage was from new China establishes until now.
The arrival of information ages and international associations were caused English to the important position of the international in general use language. English language not only became the main working language of the usage, but also main language of international science and technology exchanges.


第1个回答  2006-11-02



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