

第1个回答  2006-11-02
1、Maria e__________ every day, so she is in good health.
2、---What's your favorite p___________.
---It's Animal World.
3、Good eating h________ can also help us.
4、He has a toothache. He should see a d__________.
5、Some animals have a long tails(尾巴) to keep b______.
6、How about ________ (take) a walk this weekend?
7、Can you come o______ to my house to help me with my English?
8、We are leaving f______ Beijing for vacation.
9、---How _______ is it from your home to school?
---About four miles.
10、Other parts of the world are __________ (difference) from the United States
11、She wants to go _________(hike) in the mountains.
12、In summer vacation I like __________( 待在家里 ).
13、It __________ (依靠) on where you live.
14、The teacher is going to tell us the ________ (整个) story in English.
15、Can you finish ________ ( read ) this book next week?
16、The English song sounds __________. (interest)
17、Thank you for ________ (invite) me.
18、This box is much _______(heavy) than that one.
19、Who is _________ (thin), you or your sister?
20、Which one is ________ (good), the yellow one or the green one?
( )1、He always helps me study English, but I _____ help him _______ his study. A、ofter, for
B、usually, to C、always, in D、never, with
( )2、Many students in our school like _______ English.
A、read B、reads C、to read D、reading
( )3、She hardly ever ______ sports games ______ TV on Sunday evening. A、watching, over B、to watch, in C、watches, on D、watch, by
( )4、---______ of sports do you do every week?
---- One or two hours. A、How often B、What kind C、How many hours D、How much hour
( )5、Good _____ habits keep you study better.
A、study B、studying C、studies D、to study
( )6、He's in good _____. He's pretty _______.
A、health, health B、health, healthy
C、healthy, health D、healthy, healthy
( )7、I often go to the movies ______ weekends.
A、on B、in C、to D、of
( )8、Must I ______ to eat less meat if I want to keep _______ good health.
A、try, in B、try, at C、tries, in D、tries, at
( )9、I have a backache. I can't ________.
A、hear you B、see you C、think D、sleep well
( )10、Beef or lamb is ___ food. It can give people ____. A、Chinese herb, much food B、healthy, much "yin"
C、"yang ", more energy(活力) D、 "yin ", a long life
( )11、You shoud eat a balanced diet ________.
A、stay healthy B、 to keep healthy C、be healthy D、are in good health
( )12、It's easy ______English, and it's important ____it.
A、to learn, to practise B、speak, say C、say, speak D、study, use
( )13、---______ the matter? ---He _____ a sore back.
A、How's, have B、How's, has C、What's, have D、What's, has
( )14、You shoud ______ hot tea ______ hony.
A、drink, have B、to drink, has C 、drink, with
D、to drink, with
( )15、_____ the weather _____ there? A、What's, × B、What's, like C、How's, like D、How, ×
( )16、_____ do you live from school? A、How far B、How long C、How often D、How many
( )17、I want to know _______.
A、where Nina lives B、where does Nina live
C、where Nina live D、Nina lives where
( )18、_____ do you think _____ your parents?
A、How, like B、What, of C、Who, about
D、Where, about
( )19、Bus, train and bike _____the most popular _____ to school. A、are, ways getting B、is, way to get C、are, ways of getting D、is, way of get
( )20、There are many fast food shops in ______ parts of the world.
A、the other B、others C、another D、other
( )21、______ to school by boat is _____ fun than taking a bus. A、Go, a lot of B、Going, a lot more C、To go, many more D、Goes, a lot
( )22、Today he came to school ______ the school bus, not ______ bike.
A、on, on B、on,by C、by, on D、by, by
( )23、I have too ______ homework this week.
A、a lot B、much C、many D、a little
( )24、---Can you come to my party? ---________.A、Sure, I'd like B、Yes, I'd love C、Sure, I'd love to D、No, Ican't
( )25、Would you like _____ to my birthday party this evening? A、come B、coming C、to come D、will come
( )26、Thank you _______ me. A、to help B、to helping C、for helping D、of helping
( )27、---_____ are you free this week? ---_____ Friday afternoon. A、What time, On
B、When, In C、What time, In D、When, At
( )28、She is _______ than he is.
A、much more outgoing B、much outgoing
C、very outgoing D、as outgoing
( )29、You are taller than _______ in your family.
A、anyone B、any other C、others D、any other one
( )30、Tina is _______ than Tara ______ swimming.
A、good, at B、good, in C、better, in D、better, at
What day is 1 day of the week ? We Chinese may say Monday , because Monday is the first working day in the week . But 2 people have different ideas . They say 3 is the first day of the week . Also , they work only five days a week and have a long 4 : Saturday and Sunday .
People are different 5 many other ways , too . We Chinese put our last names first and our first name last .British and American people put them in the other orders . Chinese people speak Chinese , but British and American people speak English . Chinese eat a lot of 6 . British and American people have a lot of bread and potatoes . Most Chinese ride bicycles , but most British and American people drive 7 .
People write 8 in different ways , too . We Chinese write “November 10 , 2005”as “05 / 11 / 10”, in big -to - small order . But British put it as “ 9 ”, in small - to - big order , and the Americans even write it as “10/ 11 / 05 ”. What a difference !
Do you know any other 10 between us Chinese speaking people and English speaking people .
( )1. A one B first C the first D a first
( )2. A speaking English B English speaking
C English spoken D spoken English
( )3. A Sunday B Saturday C Monday D Tuesday
( )4. A holiday B time C weekday D weekend
( )5. A to B by C in D from
( )6. A bread B crops C rice D corn
( )7. A buses B cars C taxis D bikes
( )8. A dates B days C months D years
( )9. A 05 / 10 / 11 B 10 / 11 / 05
C 05 / 11 / 10 D 11 / 10 / 05
( )10. A different B more different
C differences D difference
1、 Once an old man went to see a doctor. The doctor looked him over carefully and said, "Medicine won't help
You. You must have a good rest. Go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar (雪茄烟) a day. Go to the country place for a month. "
After a month the man came to the doctor again. "How are you? "said the doctor, "I'm glad to see you again. You look much younger." "Oh! Doctor, I feel quite well now," said the man, "I had a good rest. I went to bed early, drank a lot of milk and walked a lot. Your advice (建议) certainly help me, but you told me to smoke one cigar a day almost killed me first. It's no joke to start smoking at my age! "
( )1.The doctor told the man _____. A. to go bed early B. to drink milk C. to walk a lot D. Both A,B and C
( )2.Which of the following sentences is true?
A. The doctor told the man to visit a city of the country for a month B. The doctor didn't tell him what to do
C. After a month, the old man felt better
( )3.The doctor's words were ____ for the old man's health. A. bad B. good C. terrible D. strong
( )4.The doctor wanted the old man ____.
A. to get worse B. to smoke less than before
C. to help him D. to eat better
( )5.From what the old man said at last, we think _____. A. one cigar a day was really helpful to him
B. one cigar a day was better than before
C. he didn't understand the doctor's advice
2、 Mr Jenkins is fifty years cld . He 's taught maths in a middle school for twenty-six years . He works hard and always comes to his office on time . He hopes his students will be honest ( 诚实 ) and is strict with ( 严格要求 )them . Some of his students have became famous persons , but they still remember him and often write to him . Of course the old man is proud of ( 自豪 ) it .
This term he began to teach Grade One . Some of the new students didn ' t know him well . He told them how to be an honest person . He gave them several examples and said ," I hate telling a lie ( 撒谎 ) best ."
Before class was over , he told all his students to finish Exercise 8 in Unit l .The next morning , as soon as he came into the classroom , he asked , " Who ' s finished Exercise 8 ? " A lot of students put up their hands . He shook ( 摇 ) his head and said , " Open your workbooks and see if ( 是否 ) there ' s Exercise 8 in Unit l . "
The students had a look at their books and their faces turned red at once .
( ) 1 Mr Jenkins began to work in the school when he was ______ . A twenty-six B twenty-three
C twenty-four D twenty-five
( ) 2 His students remember him because _________ .
A he taught them a lot when they were young B he liked his students
C he wished them to be honest persons and was strict with them D he was never late
( ) 3 Mr Jenkins likes _______ best .
A some of his students B a student who works hardest
C the honest persons D the famous persons
( ) 4 Mr Jenkins told his students to finish Exercise 8 in Unit l, because ____. A he wanted to give them an example
B it was very important C it was very interesting
D he wanted to know if ( 是否 ) they were honest
( ) 5 The students ' face turned red because _______ .
A they made Mr Jenkins angry B they told a lie in class
C they didn 't finish the exercise in time
D they forgot to do the exercise
A:______________________________, B?
B:I'm going camping for the summer vacation?
A:That sound interesting. _______________________?
B:With my parents
B:To the West Hill.
B:For three or four days. And we'll be back next Sunday?
A:I hope you'll have a good vacation.
请介绍你的一位好朋友,内容必须包含:他 (她)的职业、外貌、性格及喜欢他(她)的原因及你两者之间的比较,要求65字以上,文章的开头已给出。
Li Lei is my good friend.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.本回答被提问者采纳



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