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从“ 我” 进入到厄舍古宅的那一刻开始, 坡就着意描写古屋中四处弥漫的 那种怪异气氛。而罗德瑞克给“ 我” 这个儿时的玩伴的第一印象是“ 一半同情, 一半畏怯” : 让人同情的是 他脆弱的身心状态, 使人畏怯的是他带有的那种怪诞气质, “ 如幽灵一样苍白的面颊, 眼中闪着不可思议 的光”他和这所房子一样,如同渐渐腐烂的枝叶,散发着沉闷、 迟缓的气息。这个散发出死亡 气息的人, 画出一幅深埋于地下的长通道、没有出口和光源却笼罩在一片幽灵般的光芒之中、 让人看了不寒而栗的画。罗德瑞克心中一直有这样一个信念——没有生命的东西也是有感觉的,在祖传的古屋中,那些错综排列的石头、上面满布的菌类、 古屋周围正在腐烂的枯枝败叶以及这一切在水潭里的倒影 联合起来产生了一种力量、 一种感觉。那首诗 T h e Ha u n t e d P a l a c e恰恰反映出罗德瑞克心中根深蒂固 的忧郁、 悲观的情绪和混乱的逻辑思维。在活埋妹妹之后, 罗德瑞克的举止行为更加怪异:漫无目的地快步穿梭于房问之中, 用一种如同受了极大惊吓的颤抖声音说话,长时问地凝视着空气,似乎在聆听某 种想象中的声音……与哥哥相依为命的妹妹玛德琳,作为厄舍家族的最后两个成员之一则自始至终都 很冷静, 保持着正常人应有的理性。她的理性体现在她与疾病顽强斗争以及被活埋后挣扎出棺柩逃出地牢 ,重返人世。

第1个回答  2010-03-26
From the "I" into the Usher Mansion that moment on, the slope describing the pains in the four historic houses in an atmosphere filled with the kind of weird. And Rodrik to the "I" is a childhood playmate of the first impression is "half-sympathetic, half timid": people feel sorry for are his fragile mental and physical state of timid people is his temperament with a kind of grotesque , "such as the ghostly pale cheeks, eyes shining with incredible light," he, like the house, as slowly decaying leaves, and dissemination of the boring, slow breath. The dissemination of a flavor of the people killed, buried in the ground to draw a long passage, there is no export and light source are shrouded in a ghostly light among the people saw chilling painting. Rodrik always have such a belief - no living thing is a feeling in the ancestral historic houses, those intricate arrangement of stones, the top covered with the fungi, historic houses around the rotting dead branches, as well as all the Bai Ye reflection puddle together produced a power, a feeling. The poem T he Ha unted P alace Rodrik precisely reflect the hearts of the deep-rooted depression, pessimism and confusion of logical thinking. In the buried alive after her sister, Rodrik's behavior even more bizarre behavior: aimlessly walked into the shuttle in the room asked, with a startled as by a great trembling voice, asked to gaze long the air, it seems that in listen to some imaginary sound ... ... and his brother had each other's sister, Madeleine, as the Usher family, a member of the last two were very calm throughout, maintaining a normal person should be rational. Her reason is reflected in her tenacious fight against the disease, as well as struggling with a coffin after being buried alive to escape a dungeon and return to this world.
第2个回答  2010-03-26
From the "I" into melancholy old the moment, slope in zhuhai rewriter description of the weird everywhere. And LuoDeRui grams to "I" the childhood playmate of the first impression is "half and half fear" sympathy to his sympathy is fragile state of mind, make people fear is that he has grotesque temperament, "as a ghost pale cheeks, eyes glowed magical light" and this house, like rotten branches, gradually with depressing, sluggish breath. This sends out death, draw a picture in the deep underground passage, no longer export and light are enveloped in ghostly light, let a person look at the picture. LuoDeRui grams of heart has been such a belief, no life is also to have the feeling, in the zhuhai, the old stone, above the intricate lined with fungi, zhuhai is rotten litter around the window and landed in puddle reflection all together produced a kind of strength, a feeling. The poem T h e Ha T e d P u n a l a. c. e reflects an ingrained in LuoDeRui grams of depression, pessimistic mood and confusion of logic thinking. After LuoDeRui, buried in the sister of behavior more weird: wander aimlessly in room asked trot, with an enormous like frightened voice trembling, long time gazed in air, a kind of imagination seems to listen to the sound... And brother sisters sister Madeleine, as melancholy family member of the last two are very calm, while keeping the normal due reason. She's in her and rational reflect fighting diseases and buried alive after struggling to escape the dungeon, world headquarters.




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