GHOST问题 destination drive details 到底是源盘还是目标盘


第1个回答  2016-11-23
由此我付出了惨重代价 搞反了destination与source
Ghost wrote over the wrong drive while cloning
When Ghost performs a disk-to-disk or partition-to-partition clone,
such as copying Disk 1 to Disk 2, the data is copied in the wrong
direction. That is, the contents of the destination disk or
partition write over the contents of the source disk or partition,
instead of the reverse.

This happens when the "Destination Drive Details" window appears
incorrect. Because it appears that Ghost will write over the source
drive instead of the destination drive, you reversed your previous
choices for source and destination drives. Reversing the source and
destination drives causes the problem.

The "Destination Drive Details" window displays what the contents
of the destination drive are expected to be after
completing the cloning process, not before. Because you are cloning
from the source drive to the destination drive, the "Destination
Drive Details" information should be the same as or similar to the
source drive details. Note that in the Symantec Ghost 6.51 update,
the text on this window has been changed to make this clear. The
text has not been changed on other Ghost versions.

To prevent the problem, make sure the "Destination Drive Details"
window displays what you want the destination drive to look like
after you complete the cloning process.

To restore your data after cloning in the wrong direction, restore
your most recent set of backups. If you do not have a recent set of
backups, and the destination drive (the drive that overwrote the
source drive) was empty, you might be able to restore your
data by sending the drive to a data recovery service. However, if
the destination drive had data, the destination drive's data
overwrote data on the source drive. Any overwritten data is
unrecoverable except by backups. See the document
Recovering a drive after writing over it with Ghost.

How to duplicate the problem
Here is the description of how this problem occurs:
WARNING: Do not follow these steps. These are for illustration
purposes only. These steps will result in writing over Drive 1 with
the contents of Drive 2.
Select Drive 1 as the local source drive.
Select Drive 2 as the destination drive. The "Destination Drive
Details" part of the Confirmation window displays information that
appears to be for the source disk.
Change the local source drive to Drive 2.
Change the destination drive to Drive 1. The "Destination Drive
Details" part of the Confirmation window now displays information
that appears to be for the destination disk, as that disk appears
before cloning to it.

Preventing the problem
To prevent Ghost from writing over the wrong drive, verify that you
choose the correct drives in Ghost before performing the cloning
operation. See the document
How to differentiate between drives when cloning.本回答被提问者采纳



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