外研版初二英语1——12模块上册 重点句型 ,7——12模块的知识点 短语


第1个回答  2012-09-27
1 advice & message
注意:a piece of advice (不可数)a message(可数)
2 on earth 究竟,到底;
on time 按时
on business 因公
3 help sb. with ……
with the help of sb.在某人的帮助之下。
4 from …to…(从…到…) 既可以是时间,也可以是空间
from Monday to Friday is weekday.
from time to time 时而不时
5 a few a bit of 都修饰可数名词,表示一些
a little a bit 修饰形容词,表示有点 可以用kind of 替换,kind of 又有种类意思。
a kind of (一种)all kinds of
6 重要搭配
continue to do sth.
advise(建议) sb. to do
agree (同意)sb. to do
ask (要求)sb. to do
choose (选择)to do
decide(决定) to do
forget (忘记)remember(记得) to do(要做的事) (or) doing(以前做过的)
make sb.(sth.) +adj. make sb. do
speak/talk to sb.
fly to(坐飞机去…)
hear from sb.(收到某人来信)
hear about/of(听说)
live on(以…为生)
say goodbye to sb.(向某人说…)
sell out (卖完)
talk sb. out of (说服某人放弃…)
smell at /laugh at (微笑/嘲笑)
shake hands with(握手)
think of(认为,想出) / about 考虑
can't wait to do(等不及做某事)
work on/work out(在每方面付出努力,强调过程/算出,计算出,重在结果)
hang out (闲逛)
get/be angry with sb./at sth.(生某人的气/因某事而生气)
get married(结婚)
get on/off(上/下车)
get on+ adj. with (与某人相处如何,处理…如何)
get over (克服)
go shoping类型短语,go+v-ing
go on 继续,其后可加v-ing,to-v,加doing时表示继续做刚才的事,加to do时只是继续做事情。
go along (沿着…走)
arrive at/in +地点;in/on+时间
depend on 依赖,依靠
find out(the answer/truth)通过努力查明事实真相
be afraid of (害怕…)
be born …出生…
be different from 反义:the same as
be excited about(因某事而惊讶)
be excited to do (做某事很兴奋)
be famous as/for(作为…/因…而出名)
be proud of (为…感到骄傲)
be sure(确定)
have a good time
have a look/ have a talk /have a try (看一看/说一说/试一试)
have (举办)a party
do cleaning(do+v-ing形式)
do some shopping(do+some+v-ing形式)
take around=show sb. around (带某人参观…)
take away(带走)
take a deep breath(深呼吸)
take photos of…(拍…照片/为某人拍照)
take place
take off (反义put on)脱下,还有飞机起飞的意思。
take care (of) 小心/照顾…



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