
Shopping on the Net
1. 近来在一些发达地区出现网上购物热。
2. 一些人喜欢网上购物。
3. 另一些人不喜欢网上购物。


第1个回答  2015-05-17
Shopping on the Net
With the development of society, a new way of shopping which is called shopping on the net has been going into people's life.
People have different attitude on shopping on the net. Some people like shopping online. They think that shopping on the net is time- and energy-saving.People can purchase anything at anytime on the Internet. Of couse, some others don't like shopping on the net. They are not sure the things on the net is what they really want. Besides, they doubt whether the company will provide the right product to the right place at the right time.
In my opinion, it is very convenient for us to buy something that we need on the net. But we should be extremely careful when we decide which item to buy and confirm whether the company is trustworthy. With the development of technology, i believe shopping on the net will integrated into people's daily life.shopping on the net is sure to become a trend.追问





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