
1.有这样一段时间,女孩子不能到学校接受教育(用There was a time when……)
2.这是我一生中第一次见到的如此美丽的景色(It is the first time that……)
3.正是因为我坚持每天说英语,我才能取得这么快的进步(It is because……that……)
4.他已经对每天黄昏陪女友遛狗感到厌烦了(get tired to)

第1个回答  2009-07-07
1.There was a time when the girl can't go to school to accepting education.
2.It is the first time that seeing so beautiful scenery in my life.
3.It is because I insist speaking English on everday that I can make so fast progress.
4.He aleady get tired to company his girlfirend to walking the dog every dusk.
第2个回答  2009-07-05
1There is such a period of time, girls cannot go to school

2This is my life in the first time i saw such beautiful scenery

3It was because i'm sticking to speak English every day, i can only be made such rapid progress

4He has every evening to accompany his girlfriend dog tired
第3个回答  2009-07-05
1.There was a time when girls cann't get an education in the school.
2.It is the first time that is see so the beautiful in my lifetime.
3.It is because i insist on to speck English everyday that was so soon taked to make prograss.
4.Get tired to that he have walked the dog with girlfreind.
第4个回答  2009-07-05
. There is such a period of time, the girls can not come to school (in There was a time when ... ...)
2. This is the first time in my life seen such a beautiful scenery (It is the first time that ... ...)
3. It is because I insist on speaking English every day, I can get the progress so fast (It is because ... ... that ... ...)
4.Get tired to that he have walked the dog with girlfreind.本回答被网友采纳
第5个回答  2020-11-28



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