
Beyond the classical issues of time and cost respect, this point sets the problem of being able to assess the benefit of the ERP implementation.
During many years, a frustrating answer in many firms has been that the quantitative impact of the ERP implementation was very difficult to assess, the conclusion being often that luckily, the implementation was mandatory. It seems now that ERP implementation has finally reached a certain maturity, more and more articles suggesting answers to this problem. D. Chand, G. Hacheley, J. Hunton, V. Owhoso and S. Vasudevan promote the use of Balanced Score Card (BSC) framework for measuring the impact of ERP implementation. The authors suggest to instantiate the four topics of the classical framework of BSC (financial outcomes, customer needs, internal processes and learning and innovation facilities) at three dedicated levels which are influenced by the ERP: ‘‘automate’’, ‘‘informate’’ and ‘‘transformate’’. The resulting framework is composed of 12 items, which are successively described.
The issue of the impact of ERP implementation is also discussed by V. Botta-Genoulaz and P.-A. Millet, specific emphasis being given on the optimization or ‘‘efficient use’’ of such integrated information systems. A classification of company positions regarding their ERP use is suggested based on two axes: software maturity and strategic deployment directions. According to the investigation conducted by the authors, the information system cannot support company strategy without being mastered as a ‘‘tool’’.
The issue of assessing ERP impact is illustrated on a practical example in the article by C. Berchet and G. Habchi, showing that a clear view of the postimplementation steps is required in order to optimize the use of an ERP. In the case studied, three postimplementation steps have for instance been distinguished, namely ‘‘stabilisation’’, when the user can assimilate and appropriate the tool, ‘‘progression’’, when the user can detect sources of improvements, and ‘‘evolution’’, when customization can be suggested for improving the efficiency of the ERP.
Another point of interest of this article is that it clearly illustrates the impact of ERP implementation on the evolution through time of indicators such as number of anomalies in production lines, in the bills of materials, or in the MRP calculation.

第1个回答  2009-10-06
在许多年期间,在许多公司的一个挫败答案已经是企业资源规划落实的数量冲击非常困难估定了,结论在时常那幸运地,落实是强制性的。它现在似乎是那企业资源规划落实已经最后达成特定的成熟,越来越多文章意味着这一个问题的答案。D. Chand 、 G. Hacheley 、 J. Hunton 、 V. Owhoso 和 S. Vasudevan 促进测量企业资源规划落实的冲击的均衡的得分卡片 (BSC)的架构使用。作家建议在被企业资源规划影响的三个热衷的水平例示 BSC(财务的结果、客户需要,内在的程序和学问和改革设备)的古典结构的这四个主题:" ’ transformate"’.产生的结构由 12个项目,连续地被描述组成。
企业资源规划落实的议题冲击也被 V. Botta-Genoulaz 和 P 讨论。-A. 稷,特性强调在最佳化上被提供或 " ’有效率的使用 "’如此整合资讯系统。关于他们的企业资源规划使用的公司位置的分类被建议基于二个轴:软件成熟和策略的配置方向。依照被作家引导的调查,没有被征服,资讯系统不能够支援公司策略当做一 " ’用工具工作 "’.
估定企业资源规划冲击的议题在文章中的一个实际的例子上被 C. Berchet 和 G. Habchi 所说明,表现,落实后步骤的清楚视野被需要为了要将企业资源规划的使用最佳化。在个案研究中,三个落实后步骤已经举例来说被区别,即 "’ , 当使用者能使而且同化充用工具的时候, "’, 当设定因为改良企业资源规划的效率能被意味着的时候。
这一个文章的重要另点是它清楚地透过指示器的时候在进化上举例说明企业资源规划落实的冲击 ,像是在生产线的反常事物的数字,在材料的帐单中,或在 MRP 计算中。
第2个回答  2009-10-06
在多年来,在许多公司的令人沮丧的回答是,对ERP实施量化影响是很困难的评估,结论是常常是幸运的,执行是强制性的。现在看来,ERP的实施,终于达成了某种程度的成熟,越来越多的文章提出这个问题的答案。 D.昌湾Hacheley,J.
ṛ需要,内部流程,学习与创新的设施),在3个是由专门的企业资源规划的影响程度:''自动化'','' informate ''和'' transformate ''。由此产生的框架是由12项,依次介绍。
评估ERP的影响的问题就说明了一个由长Berchet和G. Habchi文章显示,有步骤的实施后,需要明确的观点,以优化企业资源规划使用,实际的例子。在案件的研究,实施后3个步骤,例如已经区分,即稳定'' '',
当用户可以吸收和适当的工具,'' ''进展,当用户可以检测到改善来源和演化'' ''时,可定制提高效率的ERP的建议。
第3个回答  2009-10-06
在多年来,在许多公司的令人沮丧的回答是,对ERP实施量化影响是很困难的评估,结论是常常是幸运的,执行是强制性的。现在看来,ERP的实施,终于达成了某种程度的成熟,越来越多的文章提出这个问题的答案。 D.昌湾Hacheley,J.何威,五Owhoso和S.瓦苏德推动平衡计分卡(BSC)的用于衡量ERP实施的影响的框架。作者建议的实例BSC的古典框架的四个议题(财务结果,客户需求,内部流程和学习与创新设施三是由专门的企业资源规划的影响程度):''自动化'','' informate' '和'' transformate ''。由此产生的框架是由12项,依次介绍。
评估ERP的影响的问题就说明了一个由长Berchet和G. Habchi文章显示,有步骤的实施后,需要明确的观点,以优化企业资源规划使用,实际的例子。在案件的研究,实施后3个步骤,例如被区分,即稳定'' '',当用户可以吸收和适当的工具,'' ''进展,当用户可以检测到改善来源和演化'' '',当定制可以建议对提高ERP系统的效率。





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