


第1个回答  2009-11-23
1.I'm now writing to you to show you my opinion on group us into 2different classes just by the boy or the girl.
3We are not identical on this point.
4Six percent of us don't agree wiht it.
5They thought it's rolling back the history.(我汗)
6.On the whole, boys and girls can learn a lot from each other.

n.Anyway, we boys like to learn with girls, and so do the girls with us.
第2个回答  2009-11-23
First,I write a letter to relect the view of our deviding boys and girls into two parts。
second,we have different ideas.
Third,there are about 60% of us opposite the view.
Fourth,they all think it's a going back of the historical wheel.
Fifth,in a word ,students can learn a lot from the mixture class.
第3个回答  2009-11-23
1.I write a letter now to reflect the discussion on which the boys and girls divide into different classes.
2.We have different views on this problem.
3.6 persent disagree that boys and girls divede into different classes.
4.They consider that it's a regression of history.
5.In general,boys, together with girls,can learn a lot of things from each other.本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2009-11-23
I am writing to reflect our opinion on the discussion of the divided-sex classes.
There is no consensus opinion on such issue among us.
6% people are against the divided-sex classes.
They think it is the wheel of history turning back.
Generally speaking, the male and female students can learn a lot mutually studying together.



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