
1网络大学称作为没有围墙的大学 2为那些种种原因无法上大学的人提供机会 3足不出户 可以节省时间方便有效 不耽误工作 4随时可以和老师交流 随时更新材料 把这几点写进去就好高一作文
明天要交呀 摆脱帮帮忙 谢谢

第1个回答  2009-11-22
The Advantages of College Online
With the increasing of the demands for further education,the traditional education can't meet the needs of people,and as a result,college online comes out,which has some advantages.First of all,it's suitable for everybody,anyone can go to it.Secondly,college online offers an opportunity for those who can't enter traditioal college for some reasons.Thirdly,it can save your time.You can get online to study in online college at anytime without going out,you can also do it while working.Fourthly,it's quite handy for you to communicate with your teachers and renew your study materials.To sum up,as a new way of education,college online will become more and more popular in the future.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-11-22
Dear A,
how is your life in last year of senir high school?
My university life is interesting and different with before. we do not have to attend class everyday and i live with many classmates in dorm, far away with parents.
Teachers come and go for various lectures and u can choose to attend some.
it seems all are easy and free.

during busy weeks, do take care of yourself.
keep in touch.



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