

姓 名: 性 别: 男
年 龄: 二十六 健康状况: 健康
学 历: 本科 工作年限: 二年
毕业院校: 哈尔滨工程大学 专 业: 化学工程与工艺、法学
求职意向: 总经理助理,ERP咨询、实施,ERP项目管理
手 机: 电子邮件:
2000年9月--2004年6月 哈尔滨工程大学 化学工程与工艺专业(方向电化学)
2002年9月--2004年6月 哈尔滨工程大学 法学专业
2005年7月 挪威船级社(上海) 取得ISO9001、ISO14001 培训合格证书
2005.3 – 2006.8 中银(宁波)电池有限公司 ERP项目管理组 ERP项目经理
 在合同约束下严格按照公司各项标准、按质按量进行现场实施,控制和检查项目计划实施进度
 向公司副总经理汇报、联系和沟通
 与实施方项目经理、实施人员保持联系、沟通和交流
 撰写项目实施计划、里程碑报告、总结报告; 项目月度计划和报告、意见
 根据项目实施计划和软件过程规范安排项目组人员工作任务
 ERP方案的确定及相关技术文档的撰写及答疑
 与实施顾问共同诊断问题,提供解决方案、措施
 调研过程中,基层用户需求的获取、需求分析、业务流程优化、数据准备,系统培训等
2004.9—2005.3 中银(宁波)电池有限公司 品质管理部 品质管理工程师
 生产过程巡检、5S的执行检查, ISO工作
 检验作业指导书等相关文件的编写,日常检验数据的统计及分析
 处理顾客投诉
2004.7—2004.8 东风杭州汽车有限公司 技术部 产品工艺工程师
 汽车外表喷漆工艺
 对企业管理流程比较熟悉,掌撑相当程度的管理理论和项目管理实战经验
 对ERP管理及企业信息化模式有良好的理解和实战经验
 具有企业信息化经验,对轻工、化工行业的企业运营流程比较熟悉,能把握ERP选型及实施的各相关要素
 具有领导团队的能力,能够积极创新,勇于面对挑战,敬业负责
 团队组织纪律性强,注重团队的整体性,深信团队的力量
 擅长处理ERP实施中企业的要求,分析是否可行及如何与ERP运作模式相关
 熟悉WINDOWS操作系统,OFFICE等办公软件、PHOTOSHOP等图形处理软件,掌握SQL数据库分析及查询

第1个回答  2006-09-09
Individual survey:

Surname : Nature Leaving: Male
Year Age: 26 State of health: Health
Studying Experience: Undergraduate course Working life: Two years
Graduation colleges and universities: Harbin Engineering University Specially Industry: Chemical engineering and craft, legal science
Seeks employment the intention: General manager assistant, ERP consultation, implementation, ERP project management
Contact method:
Hand Machine: Email:
Educational background:
In September, 2000--In June, 2004 Harbin Engineering University chemical engineering and craft specialized (direction electrochemistry)
In September, 2002--In June, 2004 Harbin Engineering University legal science specialty
In July, 2005 Norwegian Classification society (Shanghai) Obtains ISO9001, ISO14001 trains the certificate of quality
Work experience:
2005.3 ?C 2006.8 Bank of China (Ningbo) battery limited company ERP project management group Manager ERP project
Is responsible for the project from the initial period demand investigation and study to the project approval a series of implementation process, at present the ERP whole (enters sells saves, fresh tube, TQM, finance) implements the movement to be good
The prime task includes:
? under the contract constraint strictly according to company each standard, in proper amount carries on the scene implementation according to the nature, the control and the inspection project plan implementation progress
? reports, the relation and the communication to company deputy general manager
? with implementation side project manager, implements the personnel to keep the contact, the communication and the exchange
? composition project action program, milestone report, summary report; Project monthly plan and report, opinion
? works the duty according to the project action program and the software process standard arrangement project group personnel
? ERP plan determination and correlation technology documents composition and Q/A
? with implements consultant to diagnose the question together, provides the solution, the measure
? in the investigation and study process, the basic unit user demand gain, the demand analysis, the service flow optimize, the data preparation, system training and so on
2004.9—2005.3 Bank of China (Ningbo) battery limited company quality control department Quality control engineer
? the production process inspects, the 5S execution inspection, the ISO work
? examination work instruction book and so on related document compilation, daily examination data statistics and analysis
? processes the customer to sue
2004.7—2004.8 east wind Hangzhou automobile limited company technical department Product process engineeer
? automobile semblance painting craft
Individual quality/special skill:
? quite is familiar to the business management flow, the palm supports the suitable degree the management theory and the project management actual combat experience
? has the good understanding and the actual combat experience to the ERP management and the enterprise informationization pattern
? has the enterprise informationization experience, to the light industry, the chemical industry enterprise operation flow quite is familiar, can grasp the ERP shaping and implementation each related essential factor
? has the leadership team's ability, can innovate positively, dares facing the challenge, is responsible professional
? team organization disciplined, the attention team's integrity, deeply believes the team the strength
? excels to process in the ERP implementation enterprise's request, analyzes whether feasible and is how related with the ERP operation pattern
? the familiar WINDOWS operating system, and so on OFFICE graph processing softwares and so on office softwares, PHOTOSHOP, grasp the SQL database analysis and the inquiry
The basketball, continues without interruption in 2005, 2006 year Ningpo city foreign merchant investment enterprise games basketball tournament first


第2个回答  2006-09-09



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