
非常意外的收到你的来函,对于你以及你丈夫的不幸,我深感痛心.但是,人活着就是要坚强,所以Glenny Rhemani女士,你必须要坚强的面对,也一定要坚强的面对.倘若我有幸收到这笔款项,我会遵从你的所愿把一部分捐助给孤儿院,并帮助他们建立一个新家.另外由我自由分配的一部分款项,我将用我的一生去帮助更多需要帮助的人,因为我深深的知道一个人失去温暖的时候那份无助.我来自古老的中国,名叫张志武.或许你我的相遇正应了一句我们中国的俗话,那便是有缘千里来相会.如果可以的话,我希望你配好一名中文翻译在电话之中与我详细交流具体的细节,因为我不会说英语.
我的电话是:XXX 要求翻译老外能看懂就好

第1个回答  2009-12-15
Very surprised to receive your letter, for you and your husband's misfortune, I am deeply saddened. However, a person alive is to strong, so Glenny Rhemani President, you must be strong to face, but also must be strong to face . If I was fortunate to receive the money, I will obey your wish a portion of their donations to orphanages, and help them build a new home. Also a part of the distribution by me free money, I will use my life to help more needy people, because I deeply know that a person loses his share of helplessness when warm. I come from ancient China, called Zhang Zhiwu. Maybe you and I encounter is exactly the one we have in China goes, it will is the affinity for the lazy dog. If possible, I hope you good with a Chinese translation on the phone with me into the specific details of the exchange in detail, because I do not speak English.
My phone is: XXX

第2个回答  2009-12-15
Very surprised to receive your letter, for you and your husband's misfortune, I am deeply saddened. However, a person alive is to strong, so Glenny Rhemani President, you must be strong to face, but also must be strong to face . If I was fortunate to receive the money, I will obey your wish a portion of their donations to orphanages, and help them build a new home. Also a part of the distribution by me free money, I will use my life to help more needy people, because I deeply know that a person loses his share of helplessness when warm. I come from ancient China, named Zhang Zhiwu.
Very surprised to receive your letter, for you and your husband's misfortune, I am deeply saddened. But, a person alive is to strong, so Glenny Rhemani President, you must be strong to face, but also must be strong to face . And I was fortunate to receive the money, I will obey your wish a portion of their donations to orphanages, and help them build a new home. Also a part of the distribution by me free money, I will use my life to help more needy people, because I deeply know that a person loses his share of helplessness when warm. I come from ancient China, named Zhang Zhiwu.
第3个回答  2009-12-17
收到某人的来信:hear from sb./recieve one's letter
go through:克服、忍受(度过)
follow/conform to:遵从、听从(意愿、建议等)
as the saying/proverb goes……俗话说,……
有缘千里来相会:Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination.
有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢。 As decreed by providence you have met him; otherwise you might have failed although you traveled a long way.

(I'm) very surprised to hearing from you and deeply saddened by the news of your misfortunes.(或Very surprised to hearing from you and it saddened me that you suffered from misfortunes.)

I want to say that we should live a life with optimistic no matter what happened.(或What I want to say is that we should live a life in a optimistic mood no matter what happened. 后面部分也可以更简单些……we should live a optimistic life ……)“我想说,我们要乐观地生活。”

So Mrs. Glenny Rhemani ,you should be brave/strong enough to go through a tragedy.If I were fortune to recieve/accept the funds,I would contribute part of the funds to the orphanage to build a new house with your wishes(依照你的意愿).In addition/Then,I would spend the money(which is) arranged for me( in)helping more people during my lifetime.Therefore I've known the helplessness of a person when he's out of the warmth.My name is Zhang Zhiwu who comes from( the ancient ) China.Perhaps it is the opportunity we met that turns out that the saying goes “Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination.”
It would be appreciated if a translator communicate/take with me in details on the phone.Because I can not speak English very well.My cellphone number is……
第4个回答  2009-12-15
A surprising received your letter to you and your husband, unfortunately, I am deeply saddened. However, people alive is strong, so Glenny Rhemani you, Madam, you must be strong in the face, it must be strong in the face. If I had received the money, I will abide by your wish to make some contributions to orphanages, and to help them establish a new home in the free distribution of a part of the money, I will use my entire life to help more people who need help, because I am deeply aware that a person loses his warmth of the helpless. I from ancient China named Zhang Zhiwu. Perhaps you and I met is something we Chinese common saying that there are a 1000, to be. If so, I hope you properly a Chinese translation of the phone and a detailed exchange of concrete details, because I do not speak English.

第5个回答  2009-12-15
Very surprised to receive your letter, for you and your husband's misfortune, I am deeply saddened. However, a person alive is to strong, so Glenny Rhemani President, you must be strong to face, but also must be strong to face . If I was fortunate to receive the money, I will obey your wish a portion of their donations to orphanages, and help them build a new home. Also a part of the distribution by me free money, I will use my life to help more needy people, because I deeply know that a person loses his share of helplessness when warm. I come from ancient China, named Zhang Zhiwu.
Very surprised to receive your letter, for you and your husband's misfortune, I am deeply saddened. However, a person alive is to strong, so Glenny Rhemani President, you must be strong to face, but also must be strong to face . If I was fortunate to receive the money, I will obey your wish a portion of their donations to orphanages, and help them build a new home. Also a part of the distribution by me free money, I will use my life to help more needy people, because I deeply know that a person loses his share of helplessness when warm. I come from ancient China, named Zhang Zhiwu.



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