英语作文 题目How to study English well拜托各位大神

中文: 怎样学好英语这个问题其实并不难,我介意你试一试以下的方法: 首先,上课时认真的听课,不明白的地方问老师,下课后,和同学互相讨论,并且多读,多背单词和短语.这样做是最基本的,英语肯定也会有所进步,但只是这样做是不够的,这样做英语不能全面提高.当然,如果可以的话,你在休息时间可以去上一些关于英语的兴趣班,而且,每天晚上可以看1---2部英语电影,也可以多听一些英文歌曲,这样做对你的英文肯定有所提高.如果你觉得有必要的话,你可以去一些说英语的国家.你要是不想出国,那么你可以去上一些英语学校.最后.你可以再找一个英国的笔友,写信交流,同时,这样也可以锻炼你用英语写文章的水平. 一直这样做,我相信,你可以学好英语.

第1个回答  2014-10-08
英文: How to learn English well this question actually not difficult, I mind if you try the following methods: First of all, when carefully in class gift, not understand place asked the teacher, and my classmates after class, discussion, and reading, back words and phrases. To do so is the most basic, English will certainly improved, but just do it is not enough, so do the English can't improve. Of course, if can of words, you can go to the break time some about the English programmes, and, every night, can see 1-2 department English movies, you can listen to some English songs, to do this to your English must be improved. If you think it is necessary, you can go to some English speaking country. If you don't want to go abroad, so you can go to some English school. The end. You can get a British pen Pal, write a letter, and at the same time, this exchange can also exercise you write in English level. Always do that, I believe, you can learn English well.本回答被提问者采纳



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