

第1个回答  2013-10-17
在我家雪白的墙壁上并排悬挂着一张全家福和一张五好家庭的奖状,家庭生活作文600字。其中那张全家福,还是爸爸特意把照相的师傅请到家中来照的呢!六口人笑容满面,谁看了都会喜欢。瞧,中间坐着的那位慈祥的老人是我姥姥。姥姥今年82岁了,别看她相片显得挺富态,其实,命可苦啦!40多岁死了丈夫,50多岁又死了大儿子,80岁时,三儿子、小儿子又相继病故了,有过四男二女的姥姥到现在只剩下一个患心脏病的二儿子和两个女儿了。大姨、爸爸和妈妈怕姥姥经受不住这沉重的打击,为了让姥姥过一个安乐的晚年,两个舅舅死去的消息一直瞒着她。一连三年,为什么没有一个儿子来看她呢,这,姥姥还蒙在鼓里。为此老人家的脾气变得急躁了,常常自言自语,又气又骂。最近,姥姥的腿不幸骨折了,病痛加上想儿子,使老人家喜怒无常,有时喊着儿子的名字又哭又闹,有时对着爸爸妈妈又骂又叫。唉,姥姥也真够可怜的了!看,坐在姥姥左边的中年男人,是我爸爸。瞧他们坐在一起的亲热劲,你一定会错认为这是亲娘俩。说真的,爸爸对待姥姥真比亲儿子还要亲哪。他是个有志气而心地善良的人。爸爸在供销社是个优秀职工,在家里,街坊邻居谁不伸大拇指!尤其姥姥这次病倒,几次去医院诊断都是爸爸抱进抱出,回家后,又和妈妈一起昼夜看护,喂水喂药,端屎端尿。就是在姥姥大发雷霆非要找儿子不可时,也仍像哄小孩一样地哄着姥姥,一直到她怒气平息为止。后来,他怕妈妈身体垮了,干脆就自己看护姥姥。姥姥的病一天天好转,而爸爸却一天天消瘦了。瞧,坐在姥姥右边的就是我那当小学教师的妈妈。妈妈是个急性子,但我们都知道她是刀子嘴,豆腐心。有时姥姥一哭闹,就把她急得直哭。但她还是含着泪把自己亲手做的荷包蛋挂面汤端到老人家跟前去。你别看她给自己买东西总买处理品,可要给姥姥买可大方啦!水果、奶粉、蜂王精……姥姥想吃什么,都伸手可得。你要问姥姥身后那三个人呀,当然就是哥哥、姐姐和我了。哥哥是个汽车修理工;姐姐正在上中专;我还是个小学生。虽然我们之间只相隔几岁,可从来不吵嘴,有什么事都能商量到一起去。就说这次姥姥摔伤吧,哥哥看到爸爸妈妈整天忙得疲劳不堪的样子,就偷偷地把姐姐和我叫到一起商量帮爸爸妈妈做点什么。于是我们兄妹决定:哥哥替父母值夜班,看护姥姥;姐姐每星期回来洗衣服、整理屋子;我呢,扫地、刷碗……全包了。星期日我们还强迫爸爸妈妈休息一天,学着他们的样子干,哄得姥姥笑着说:好孩子,没白疼你们!爸爸妈妈看到这情景,都欣慰地笑了,我们的心里也是甜滋滋的.Today, the teacher told us to write a so and so I would like to say to you, my mind suddenly flashed your shadow - my father and mother.Mom and Dad you still remember? I did not pass the exam, when is your education and counseling, I, I. Although you scolded me, but I can feel from your words: you are not in the scold me, but I am in education. You are always nagging and said: "Learning is the ladder of human progress." I believe this sentence and his brother will be able to give us great encouragement.Is your mom and dad gave me a warm family, you are so concerned about me. However, I often make you sad. For example: after class, and Mom and Dad to pick me, I do not in the classroom, but to play with other students. Now that I think really very sorry to you, because you most want me to enter a university.Mom and Dad, is that you gave me a pair of bright eyes so that I can see the colorful world. Thank you also gave me a pair of industrious hands, let me work up the world too clean sweep. Thank you also gave me a healthy body so that we grow perfectly healthy in the world.Every time when I make when buying toys or school supplies, you always do everything possible to satisfy my request. Even once to buy a sight protector and running all over the entire Nanchang. And when you do not get the time, I blame you, I know when I make you sad. Mother, I have only six words to say to you: Sorry, I love you!Every morning, my father always told me to get up the Laolaodaodao because every time I can not get out of bed on time, I think this is a very annoying thing. However, I know you are not up late in order to allow me to cultivate a good habit, but I also know you have a desire to do, and that is hope that my early becoming a pianist.Mom and Dad I want to loudly say to you: I love you! Your love I will keep in mind, thank you for raising me so much. Your desire to what is it? But no matter what your desire I will strive to achieve



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