求高人帮忙翻译下 外贸英语

关键词: 人民币升值;对外贸易;影响;
2.有利于推动外贸增长方式的转变 长期以来我国的外贸增长方式靠出口劳动密集型产品为主,经济效益低下。人民币升值将激励出口更多地依靠技术进步和提高附加价值,而不是低价竞销占领市场。从长远看,人民币升值有助于我国外贸增长方式从原来的粗放型转向高质量和高效益的集约型,这会带来出口结构的改善,激励企业技术创新,实现可持续发展。

第1个回答  2010-06-24
Abstract: China's foreign trade has long been practiced by "re-export, import light" as the main feature of the export-oriented strategy, implementation of this strategy in promoting China's economic growth played a significant role. Currently, however, when discussing the issue of RMB exchange rate, China's widespread concern is that once the obvious appreciation would severely impact China's exports, a negative impact on the economy. However, the contrary has also brought some positive impact.
Key words: RMB appreciation; external trade; impact;
RMB exchange rate a positive impact on our foreign trade
1. Conducive to lower import costs
After revaluation, the price of imported goods will occur the same magnitude of decline, reducing the cost of imported goods in China and import fees paid. China's high import dependence mainly the oil industry, natural gas, steel, aviation, electric power equipment, RMB appreciation will reduce large transaction costs of imports, thereby improving the profit situation of related industries.
2. Is conducive to promoting foreign trade growth pattern has long been China's foreign trade growth mainly rely on exports of labor-intensive products, low economic efficiency. RMB appreciation will encourage greater reliance on export of technical progress and higher added-value, low prices, rather than occupy the market. In the long run, RMB appreciation will help China's foreign trade growth mode from extensive original shift quality and cost-effective intensive, this will bring the improvement of export structure, encourage technological innovation to achieve sustainable development




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