
希望有英语高手帮帮忙.我不要网上复制的和翻译器翻译来的.我希望帮我的高手能自己动手写,我想认真的完成这篇作文! 我的家庭简介: 我有一个幸福的家庭. 家庭成员:有我,爸爸,妈妈。 家庭成员的事业:爸爸,妈妈做生意的也就是商人嘛! 家庭成员的爱好:我比较喜欢打电脑,学英语,弹钢琴等很喜欢音乐之类的,而且喜欢在天气晴朗的早晨散步海边。爸爸比较喜欢户外活动,散步且喜欢在早晨和晚上看报纸,并且经常和我说关于社会上的事情!妈妈比较喜欢看电视看连续剧.但是她每天看起来都比较忙! (看着爸妈的奔波劳累,我有时候多么想为爸妈做点什么)可是爸妈总说我现在最重要的是多长点社会经验和多学习知识! 请英语高手根据我给提示的关键句.写一篇200字左右的作文, 你们可以凭着我提示的条件自由发挥. 谢谢,要中英文对照。

第1个回答  2014-06-22
I have got a warm family,containing father,mother and me.My parents are both busying working with bussiness all day long.Directly speaking,my hobbies are those that seem gentle,such as playing computer,learning english,listening to music,etc.Jogging in the morning sunshine is also my hoppy too,which is aslo my father's hobby.He keens on reading newspaper in the morning and evening,while during these time,apart from him,mom always watch television series,yet it seems like she is busy everyday. Sometimes when I stare at their face,i feel they are not what they used to be.Superman,Princess....I cant see even a sign from thier faces that can remind of these kind of things...I try to share a hand with dad and mom,just to hear their words that ask me to do my homework and follow the teachers' orders. While gaining social skill is essential,i just reminisce the stories they told me when i was young,holding me tightly within their arms,singing nusery rhyme.... i love you,dad and mom,i hope that we three will be an enternity. 我辛苦写出来的啊。中文翻译就不必要了吧。因为都不是生僻词,实在不行,查下字典,或者直接问我都可以。。加油啊孩子,好好学习英语吧,不要总靠别人。。。加油本回答被提问者采纳



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