
语法 短语 句型 义务教育课程标准实验教科书 希望能标出学期和单元
就是重点的词组 重要的语法 重要的句型 其实就是 希望帮忙整理复习资料

第1个回答  2010-07-10
一. “主谓一致”这个常见的语法名称,是用来强调句子的主语与谓语在人称、数两方面的一致,协调搭配。例如:He studies very hard . 一句中的主语是He,是第三人称单数形式,这就决定了谓语动词是study的第三人称单数形式,即studies,这是主谓一致中最普遍、最常见的一种,称为“语法一致”,类似的句子还有如:The number of teachers is growing .(主语是number,谓语系动词用is)等。
1. 主语为集合名词,要根据实际意义确定谓语动词。例如:

值得注意的是,有些集合名词是只用其复数意义的,如people和police,其意义分别为“人民”和“警方”,如果单指“人”和“警察”,则用person(s)和policeman / policemen(或police woman / police weman)
如:The police have surrounded the building .(警方包围了房子)
2. 主语形式上为复数,但实际意义为单数,则谓语动词用单数形式,常见的词有news,physics,politics和mathematics(maths)等。
如:The news was very exciting .
主谓一致的第三种情况是就近一致,也就是谓语动词的人称与单复数形式是由离它最近的那个主语决定的,这种情况多在There be句型,和由连词or,either… or …,neither … nor …以及not only … but also …连接的句子中出现。
A book or some magazines are needed .
二. 几个需要注意的问题:
1. 当表示度量、距离、金额、时间、书名等的复数名词或名词短语做主语时,根据意义一致原则,将该名词看作一个整体,其谓语动词用单数形式。如:
Three years has passed and the little boy became a young man .
Two dollars is two much for me .
The Tales of Two Cities was written by Charles Dickens .
2. 在由all / half / none / most / the rest / a lot / 分数(百分数)+ of + n.这种形式的短语做主语的句子中,其谓语动词要由词组中的名词来决定。如:
Half of the apple is rotten . Half of the students are new .
3. 两个或两个以上的并列主语是指同一个人或同一事物、同一概念时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:
Sprite and ice is my favourite drink .
The reporter and driver was hurt in the accident .
4. 由定冠词the + 形容词(或分词)来构成的短语做主语时,要根据该短语的实际意义来确定谓语的形式,一般情况下该类短语都表示某一类人,如:the rich富人,the old老人,the sick病人,等等。但有时也用来表示某一个人,总体来说,前者的用法较多,如:
The sick was Tom’s father . The wounded were well treated .
5. 在主语后跟有as well as,(together / along)with,except,but,besides,rather than,like等词 / 短语所引导的短语,使完成谓语动词所表示的动作的逻辑主语不止一个人或一种事物,这时谓语动词的形式仍要按照句子主语的形式变化,而不考虑这些短语的内容。如:
He , as well as his two sisters , likes art better than science .
The teacher , rather than the students , is responsible for the accident .
6. 主语是由more than one或many a来修饰的名词短语时,其谓语动词往往采用单数形式。如:
More than one student has already seen the film .
Many a ship has been destroyed in the battle .
7. 由不定代词each和every来修饰的名词,即使用and连接形成多个主语的情况下,谓语动词也使用单数形式。如:
Every boy and every girl wants to serve the people in future .

一. 现在完成时的时间状语
1. 表达“现在刚刚完成”的动作:
副词:just, already, yet, recently(lately, etc)
短语:so far, these +(最近)一段时间,etc
2. 表达某种经历或经验
副词:ever, never, once, twice, before, etc
常用句:How many times…?
3. 表达“过去继续到现在的动作或状态”,常与for和since连用,如:
for two weeks, for a long time
since + 过去时间点 / n. / 一段时间 + ago / 一般过去时的从句
在以上的时间状语中需要认真区别的就是“since + 一段时间 + ago”这个结构,它与“一段时间 + ago”含义不同,前者为时间段,后者为时间点。

二. 一般过去时与现在完成时的比较
1. 在表达“过去的经历、经验”的概念时,如果时间不确定,用现在完成时,如果时间确定,则用一般过去时。
I’ve met him before.
I met him two days ago.
2. 在when或what time引导的特殊疑问句中,不能用现在完成时。
When have you visited New York?
When did you visit New York?
3. 过去发生的连串动作,如用and, but, or, so等对等连词连接,要用一般过去时。
三. 延续性动词与瞬间动词
非延续性动词,即瞬间动词,所谓延续性动词,又称为持续性动词,即可以表示持久动作或状态的动词,如drink, eat, read, play, fly, talk等词,这些动词有以下特点:
The students have played for an hour.
Mr. Green has read for about four hours.
He will stay there for two weeks.
I am writing an important letter.
It was raining hard when we got off the rain.
瞬间动词,也叫终止性动词,暂时性动词或“点动词”,如open / close, leave, come, go, put, arrive, finish, borrow, lend, marry等动作在极短的瞬间时间内完成的,也就是说该动作一发生即直接转入结束,结果状态,这类词有以下特点:
① 我感冒一个星期了。
② 五天来我一直穿着那些蓝上衣。
如:I’ve not heard from him for a month.
I didn’t go to bed until 12 o’clock.
He was jumping to keep warm.
He was knocking at the door.
1. 将瞬间的词转换成为延续性动词,并与表示时间段的状语连用。
常用的这类转换有lend / borrow → keep,buy → have,join → be in,marry → be married,open / close → be open / closed,die → be dead等,试完成这个句子转换:
John borrowed the book three days ago.
John the book three days.
2. 用“It is + 时间段 + since”句型进行转换,如:
He has studied in our school for four years.
It is four years since he came to study in our school.
Her mother died two years ago.
It is since .
3. 用“时间段 + has passed + since”句型进行转换,如:
I have been in the army for two years.
Two years has passed since I joined the army.
It is ten minutes since the film began.
和Ten minutes has passed since the film began.

1. 简单句和复合句
① 主语+不及物动词(S + V)
② 主语+系动词+表语(S + V + P)
③ 主语+及物动词+宾语(S + V + O)
④ 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语(S + V + IO + DO)
⑤ 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语(S + V + O + P)
另外,还有一种特殊的There be句型
2. 名词性从句
eg. It is strange that you like this scary film . What we need is more time .
eg. The question is who can complete the difficult task .
He looked as if he was going to cry .
eg. She asked the reason why there was a delay .
The news that our team has won the match is true .
3. 宾语从句
(1)宾语从句在句中作及物动词或介词的宾语,常用的引导宾语从句的连词有that , whether 和if ; 代词有who , whose , what , which以及副词when , where , how , why等。
eg. I want to know if he will come . Do you know who they are waiting for ?
We can learn what we did not know .
如果主句的谓语动词是及物动词make , find , see , hear及think等词的时候,一般将宾
eg. We find it rseful that we practise spoken English every day .
这类句子一般也可以转换成为:We find it useful to practise spoken English every day . 另外,一些表语形容词(如sure , happy , glad , afraid等)之后也可以带一个从句,这类从句同样属于宾语从句。
eg. We are sure that our class will win . I am afraid that the weather may be worse .
(2)关联词 if和whether在多数情况下是可以互换的,但在以下n种情况中只能用whether , 不能用if表示“是否”。
① 用在介词之后
It all depends on whether they will support us .
② 后面跟动词不定式时
He doesn’t know whether to stay or to leave .
③ 后面紧跟or not时
We didn’t know whether she was ready or not .
④ 用if有时会引起歧义
如:Please tell me if you like it .

① 陈述句变为以that引导的宾语从句
He said , “ I’m very glad . ” He said that he was very glad .
② 一般疑问句变为if / whether引导的宾语从句
He said , “ Can you come this afternoon , John ? ” He asked John if he could come that afternoon .
③ 特殊疑问句变为由who , what , when等词引导的宾语从句。
He said , “ Where is Mr Wang ? ” He asked whose Mr Wang was .
原时态 一般现在时 现在进行时 一般将来时 现在完成时、一般过去时
变后时态 一般过去时 过去进行时 过去将来时 过去完成时
一. 构成:to + 动词原形

二. 特征:
1. 不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,同时也保留动词的特征,它有自己的宾语和状语,来构成不定式短语。
eg .
I want to go there by bike .
2. 动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,但有时态的变化。
(1)动词不定式的一般式:“to + 动词原形”
eg .
I am glad to meet you again . I want to go to the concert .
(2)动词不定式的完成式:“to have + 动词的过去分词”。
eg .
I am sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time .

三. 用法:
1. 作主语(如果不定式短语过长,可以把此短语放在句尾,主语的位置可以用it来替换,叫做形式主语)
eg .

在it作形式主语的句子中,某些形容词之后,不定式之前常带有for sb,这类形容词有:easy,difficult,hard,interesting,necessary等。而在某些形容词之后,不定式之前常带有of sb,这类形容词有:nice,good,kind,clever,foolish,careful,polite等。
eg .
It is hard for me to clean up the whole room in an hour .
It is necessary for us to go over the lessons every day .
It is kind of you to say so .
It is polite of her to say hello to us .
2. 作宾语
eg .
She wants to invite us to her birthday party .
No one would like to talks with him .
He tried to save money every month .
eg .
He found it difficult to listen to the teacher carefully .
We thought it necessary to ask for her advice .
eg .
(1)stop doing表示“停止做(正在做的事情)”
stop to do表示“停下来,去做……”
比较:Let’s stop listening to the music , shall we ? 让我们停止听音乐,好吗?
Let’s stop to listen to the music , shall we ? 让我们停下来,听听音乐好吗?
(2)remember / forget doing 记得 / 忘记(已做过的)事情
remember / forget to do 记得 / 忘记(要去做的)事情
比较:I remember taking him to the farthest island . 我记得带他去过那个最远的岛。
Please remember to keep in touch with me . 请记住与我保持联系。
I forgot lending him my dictionary . 我忘记了我借过他我的字典。
Don’t forget to call me on time . 请不要忘记准时给我打电话。
3. 作宾语补足语
eg .
He asked me to treat his cat carefully .
Our teachers told us not to play football on the street .
Would you like me to go fishing with you ?
eg .
Did you notice him go downstairs ?
I saw a bird fly over the tree just now .
The boss makes the workers work for twelve hours every day .
4. 作定语
eg .
I have a letter to write today .
We have got a lot of books to read .
We must find a person to do the work .
eg .
We have enough rooms to live in .
Zhang nan is a girl to get along well with .
5. 作状语(不定式作状语,可以修饰动词表示目的,结果或原因)
eg .
He works hard to earn more money .
He is too angry to say a word .
We are surprised to find him here .
6. 作表语(主要说明主语的内容)
eg .
His nobby is to read books .
Our duty is to keep the classroom clean and tidy .
7. 不定式与疑问词连用
eg .
I can’t decide which one to choose .
Tell me when to set off .
No one told me where to have the meeting .
时态 主动语态 被动语态
am / is / are + P.P. (1)Do they speak French ?
(2)They don’t use the room . Is French spoken by them ?
The room isn’t used by them .
was / were + p.p. (1)The hunter killed a tiger .
(2)He wrote many stories last year . A tiger was killed by the hunter .
Many stories was written by him last year .
am / is / are +being +p.p. (1)These workers are building a new bridge .
(2)He is mending his car . A new bridge is being built by these workers .
His car is being mended by him .
was / were + being + p.p. (1)He was selling books .
(2)They were discussing the plan at that time . Books were being built by him .
The plan was being discussed by them at that time .
have / has + been + p. p. (1)She has learned many English words .
(2)He has finished the work . Many English words have been learned by her .
The work has been finished by him .
had + been + p.p. (1)They has solved the problem .
(2)We had told him the news by then . The problem had been solved by them .
The news had been told to him by us .
shall / will be + p.p. (1)I shall make a plan .
(2)They are going to fix the radio in an hour . A plan will be made by me .
The radio is going to be fixed by them in an hour .
would be + p.p.
was/ were going to be + p.p. (1)He told me they would paint the room .
(2)They were going to put on a play the next week . He told me the room would be painted by them .
A play was going to be put by them the next week .
can / may / must / should
+ be + p.p. (1)We should hand in our homework .
(2)You must answer the question in English . Our homework should be handed in by us .
The question must be
answered in English by you .本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-07-08
第3个回答  2010-07-07



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