

第1个回答  2022-11-16

1. 我的英语老师英语作文带翻译

"My Favorite Teacher My favorite teacher is my English teacher who is a kind-hearted woman. She is very strict with us students . She can make her calsses lively and interesting and helps us to overe the difficulties. She is a easygoing teacher and we get along well with her.All of the students love her,and she is our good friend. We are very lucky to meet such a good teacher,and we will remember her forever." 译文: “我最喜欢的老师我最喜欢的老师是我的英语老师,她是一个善良的人。




2. 我的英语老师英语作文

My Favorite Teacher My favorite teacher is my English teacher who is a kind-hearted woman. She is very strict with us students . She can make her calsses lively and interesting and helps us to overe the difficulties. She is a easygoing teacher and we get along well with her.All of the students love her,and she is our good friend. We are very lucky to meet such a good teacher,and we will remember her forever." “我最喜欢的老师我最喜欢的老师是我的英语老师,她是一个善良的人。




3. 写英语老师(女)的作文400字

爱 是谁让一个连26个英文字母都写不好的我能跟上队伍的? 三年级的第一学期,我刚从广州转到上海来.当时,有些常见的词汇我都读不准,一些简单的语法我也搞不清.教这样的学生,不用说,就会知道老师该有多辛苦.一次,我背英语课文,有一个单词发音不准,是丁老师一遍又一遍地帮我校正,由于紧张,我还是读不准,急得我额头直冒汗,丁老师还是不厌其烦地教我,直到我将音读准为止.像这样的事已不计其数.记得还有一次,有几道英语练习题我不会做,放学后,丁老师单独为我补课.天色已渐渐地暗了下来,丁老师仍一遍又一遍地教我,一个小时过去又是一个小时.妈妈不放心地赶到了学校,一进教室,见丁老师仍不知疲倦地在那里教我.此情此景,妈妈被感动了……回到家,爸爸得知了此事.他沉默了良久,感叹地说道:“多么好的年代,多么好的老师呀……”一天,妈妈给丁老师打电话为我请病假.丁老师说:“宝宝爸爸的来信我收到了.”这时我才得知,爸爸给丁老师写了致谢信.当妈妈再一次向丁老师道谢时,丁老师只说了一句“不要谢,这是我应该做的.”这是一句多么朴实无华的言语呀!让我好感动.我在这个学校读书倍感温暖,因为这里到处充满了爱.一天放学回到家里,我激动地对妈妈说:“我们的老师个个都像您一样的望子成龙.”老师的爱——哺育着我的童年.也将营养我一生.参考资料:系本人原创——范文 仅供参考希望我的回答能帮助你,祝你学习进步。

4. 英语作文:我的英语老师

My English teacherI have a good English teacher .She is Susan.She is 32 years old.But she looks young.She likes reading,singing.dancing,drawing and playing the piano.My clas *** ates and I all like her!We think she is kind.我有一个很棒的英语老师.她是苏珊.她32岁了.但她看上去很年轻.她喜欢阅读,唱歌,跳舞,画画和弹钢琴.我和我的同学们都喜欢她.我们认为她很和蔼。

5. 怎样写英语作文我的英语老师

My English teacher appears very beautiful and she looks about 40 years old.She has a son.Our English teacher is very strict with us,and sometimes,she is very friendly and kind to us.She is also humorous.On the April Fools' Day,she said to us,"you are going to have a holiday this afternoon".Many students thought it true.Many students dare not talk,because she is very strict.We are afraid that we cannot pass the exam,because the teacher will criticise us if we don't pass.She doesn't give us too much homework,and she doesn't give us too much pressure.Sometimes,we like our Engllish teacher.

I like English,and I like my English teacher.

我的英语老师长得很漂亮,看起来大概40多岁,他有一个儿子。英语老师对我们很严格,但是有时她对我们很和蔼,很友好。她也很幽默,在愚人节那天,她对我们说:“下午放假”很多同学都当真了。 在上课的时候很多同学都不敢说话,因为老师很严格。我们害怕考试不及格,因为老师会批评我们。 英语老师布置的作业不是很多,没有给我们太大的压力。有时 我们很喜欢英语老师。


6. 我的英语老师英语作文怎么写

My English teacher,a man who is above enty,makes us feeling that he is the best!He gives us knowledge,tells us how to be a real man,solves the problems whatever happens in our life or study--though he's only a jenior school teacher!

He has his own only way in teaching,which aims at improving our ability of self study.He used to say to us:"The only one who can help you is yourself!"So he trys to make us understand that!He asks us do the question ourselives first,if there's really something seems hard for us,then ask for help from him!

And on the problem of how to be a man,the only require he make is to be honest!He told us that a man who is honest can get help from many friends while the person on other hand will be fot by the people who used to know him!

And we should say:that's a teacher!and that's our teacher!



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