half an hour??


第1个回答  2022-10-13
half an hour mean 半小时
参考: 鲍鲍
half an hour=半个小时 2010-04-10 14:14:41 补充: or 30 mins
Half an hour me half of an hour
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half an hour 半个钟
Half an hour mean半小时 或者half past one=1:30 one fourty=1:40 one fifty=1:50 quarter past one=1:15 one fifteen=1:15 one o one=1:01
Half an hour me "half of an hour"
i.e. 30 minutes. There are other instances where the "of" is omitted in similar usages. For example: half a year (has gone by)
half a century (ago)
half a tank (of gasoline)
half a glass (of wine)

参考: myself
half an hour=半个小时



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