

第1个回答  2023-10-19


    Turn on / Turn off:打开 / 关闭。例如,“Turn on the lights”(打开灯),“Turn off the TV”(关闭电视)。

    Turn up / Turn down:调高 / 调低。例如,“Can you turn up the volume?”(你能把音量调高点吗?),“Please turn down the music”(请把音乐调低)。

    Turn left / Turn right:左转 / 右转。例如,“Turn left at the next intersection”(在下一个十字路口左转),“Turn right after the traffic light”(红绿灯后右转)。

    Turn the corner:绕过拐角。例如,“We turned the corner and saw the beautiful sunset”(我们绕过拐角,看到了美丽的日落)。

    Turn around:转身,回头。例如,“She turned around and smiled at me”(她转过身,对我微笑)。

    Turn into:变成,进入。例如,“The caterpillar turned into a butterfly”(毛毛虫变成了蝴蝶),“The street turns into a busy market on weekends”(这条街在周末变成了繁忙的市场)。

    Turn out:结果是,制造,生产。例如,“It turned out that he was right”(结果证明他是对的),“The factory turns out hundreds of cars every day”(这家工厂每天生产数百辆汽车)。

    Turn to:求助于,转向。例如,“I turned to my friend for advice”(我向我的朋友求助),“When in doubt, turn to the dictionary”(有疑问时,翻阅词典)。

    Turn over:翻转,移交。例如,“Turn over the pancake to cook the other side”(翻转煎饼,煮另一面),“He turned over the management of the company to his son”(他把公司的经营移交给了儿子)。

    Turn in:上交,交还,上床睡觉。例如,“He turned in his homework”(他交了作业),“It's late; I should turn in”(时间晚了,我应该上床睡觉了)。

    Turn a blind eye to:对…视而不见,故意不理睬。例如,“The teacher turned a blind eye to the student's cheating”(老师对学生作弊视而不见)。

    Turn the tide:扭转局势,改变趋势。例如,“His inspiring speech turned the tide of the election”(他鼓舞人心的演讲改变了选举的局势)。



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