
我自己试着翻了一下,但毕竟不是大神,这些 是给老外看的,能不能帮忙翻译下!!我不想丢中国人的脸啊~~~求大神帮忙
1. 保护湿地,就是保护人类美好的未来
Protecting wetland is to protect the future of the human being.
2. 湿地被誉为“地球之肾”
Wetland is known as "the kidney of the earth".
February 2nd is World Wetlands Day.
3. 保护湿地,关爱湿地
Protect wetlands and care wetlands.
4. 保护环境,人人有责
Wetland protection is everyone's responsibility.
5. 地球是我家,美化靠大家
The earth is our home and it’s everyone’s responsibility to make it beautiful.
6. 严禁在吊桥上逗留、玩耍
Do not stay or play at the suspension bridge.
7. 严禁损坏吊桥,违者重罚
Do not damage the suspension bridge, or the violator will be punished severely.
8. 悠悠酉水河,浓浓湿地情
Long is Youshui River,deep is love for wetlands.
9. 垃圾带走,美德留下
Take out the trash and the virtue will be carried forward.
10. 呵护自然绿色,共享碧水蓝天
Protect the nature and enjoy the scenery.
11. 你也轻轻,我也青青
Please keep off the grass.
12. 酉水湿地,非诚勿扰
Do not disturb Youshui Wetland without sincerity.

第1个回答  2015-01-30
1. 保护湿地,就是保护人类美好的未来
To protect wetlands is to protect the bright future of human beings.
2. 湿地被誉为“地球之肾”
Wetlands are honoured as "the kidney of the earth".
February 2nd is World Wetlands Day.
3. 保护湿地,关爱湿地
Protect wetlands and care wetlands.
4. 保护环境,人人有责
Protecting wetlands is everyone's responsibility.
5. 地球是我家,美化靠大家
The earth is our home and it’s everyone’s responsibility to beautify it.
6. 严禁在吊桥上逗留、玩耍
Do not stay or play at the suspension bridge.
7. 严禁损坏吊桥,违者重罚
Do not damage the suspension bridge, or the violator will be punished severely.
8. 悠悠酉水河,浓浓湿地情
Long is Youshui River;deep is love for wetlands.
9. 垃圾带走,美德留下
Please take away the trash and carry forward the virtue
10. 呵护自然绿色,共享碧水蓝天
Protect the nature and enjoy the scenery.
11. 你也轻轻,我也青青
Please keep off the grass.
12. 酉水湿地,非诚勿扰
Please don't disturb the Youshui Wetland if not sincere.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2015-01-30

    Protecting the wetlands is protecting the better future of humans.


2. Wetlands are known as "kidney of earth"

3.Protect and care for wetlands.

9.Take away the trash,leave the virtues./Take away the evil,leave the good.

12. Without sincerity,please do not come to the Youshui Wetlands.

第3个回答  2015-01-30
4.Protecting the Environment is Everyone's Duty
5.The earth is our home,which depends on everyone
6.No staying or playing at the suspension bridge.
第4个回答  2015-01-30
精锐的英语杠杠的额, 可以去试试啊。



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