Writing Day 9 20190329 gu_writing


第1个回答  2022-06-10

全文翻译4:消费社会+ 观点类题目报告类题目写作要点

题目:It is argued that we are living in a throw-away society:people throw away what they use in daily life,instead of recycling or reusing them.Why has this happened and how to address this issue?












Task-oriented:每句话要注意扣题,尽量出现 题目的关键词。


Linking devices:句子链接要精密,连接方法灵活有变化,前后句子要保持很好的逻辑。

Consistency :每个句子要和中心句保持一致,和前面一句话论述保持逻辑一致。



​ People are likely to use products only once instead of keeping these items for a long time.It is important to understand why this throw-away culture has developed and how reverse this trend.

​ People have increased wealth significantly and can afford many products.


Technological innovations and mass production have reduced the cost of production and improved the productivity of the workforce.Some eletronic products such as mobile phones and computers are now sold at low prices,and this is why few people would fix broken items.Young people in particular,prefer to purchase the latest mobile phones with up-to-date features and throw old ones away.


​ Another reason is that people lack environmental awareness.People have not yet realised that thier ways of life lead to energy consumption and cause waste as well as pollution.They do not know that household appliances and end up in landfill sites and these non-biodegradable products can have a destructive effect on the environment.They are not aware the recycling can make their lifestyles more sustainable.

​ 还用they ... are 和前面的句子有点重复

​ As the overconsumption of consumer goods is pervasive, it is important to take some measures to mitigate this problem.Raising environmental awareness is important,because this can change the ways people use and dispose of different products.

​ 二次用important,重复,影响LR得分。

Environmental groups can disseminate the knowledge of how to recycle disposable goods and household appliances.


Governmental groups can also enforce some laws to deter consumers from throwing away goods.For example,the tax penalty can be imposed on some disposable products,including plastic bags,thereby encouraging people to use eco-friendly shopping bags.

这里不明确是和disposable products 还是和 plastic bags 对称。

People’s attitude toward consumption and the increase in disposable income are main reasons behind excessive consumption of disponsable items .To address this problem successfully,the top priority is to raise people's awareness of enviromental protection, which can lead to a change to their lifestyles.

​ 这里缺一个连词??

​ 主体段落说的是价格低,这里说收入,不一致,影响 CC 的分数。

​ disponsable items 是一次性产品的意思,不能够指代主题说明的部分。

​ 这个句子前面的to do 表目的,这里定于从句 which lead to 表示结果,读取来很不舒服,影响 GRA 的分数。

​ 报告类题目:

​ 注意一:主体部分可以分二-三段写

​ 注意二:报告类文章的解决方法一般都是对应问题的原因,如果不对应,也可以接受。

​ 注意三:报告类文章的开头和主体段一般不要出现 some people think /argue that 这样的字眼。


​ People are likely to use products only once instead of keeping these itmes for a long time.It is important to understand why this throw-away culture has developed and how to reverse this trend .

​ <u>Consumers today do not keeep many goods for a long period of time because these products are not as expensive as before</u>. Techonological innovations and mass production have reduced the cost of production and improved the productivity of the workforce.Some electronic products such as mobile phones and computers are now sold at low prices ,and this is way many people <u>would purchase the newest products,instead of fixing broken ones</u>.Young people in particular,prefer to purchase the latest mobile phones with up-to-date features and throw old ones away.

​ Another reason is that people lack environmental awareness .People have not yet realised that their ways of life will lead to energy consumption and cause waste as well as pollution.They do not know that household appliances can end up in landfill sites and these non-biogradable products can have a destructive effect on the environment.<u>If they are aware that</u> recycling can make their lifestyles more sustainable ,<u>they will possibly try to reuse products</u>.

​ As the overconsumption of consumer goods is pervasive,it is important to take some measures to mitigate this problem .<u>The first one is to raise environmental awareness,educating people to change the ways they</u> use and dispose of different products.Governments can also enforce some laws to deter consumers form throwing away goods.For example,the tax penalty can imposed on the use of some disposable products,inculding plastic bags,thereby encouraging people to use eco-friendly <u>alternatives</u>.

​ <u>To summarise</u>,<u>people's changing</u> attitude toward consumption and price cuts are main reasons behind excessive consumption of <u>consumer goods</u>.To address this problem successfully,the top priority is to raise people's awareness of environmental protection <u>and motivate them to change their lifestyles.</u>



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