20句英语句子翻译 会英语的来 要对八成以上

1.该上学了(lt's time for/lt's time to do......)
2.昨天做作业花了我一个小时(lt takes sometime to do sth)
3.你最好骑自行车去那里(had better do sth)
4.我的钟表出毛病了(There is something wrong with......)
5.她喜欢音乐(like doing sth/to do sth)`
6.我想见见我的父母(wou那个男孩喜欢在床上看书ld like to do sth)
7.我妈妈告诉我上学别迟到了(tell sb not to do sth)
8.那个男孩喜欢在床上看书(enjoy doing sth)
10.他担心我会赶不上飞机(l'm afraid+从句)
11.你认为北京的天气怎么样?(what do you think of...?/how do you like...?)
13.我看见他进了办公室(see sb do sth)
14.他一点儿也不喜欢桔子(not....at all)
15.请你带我们参观一下你们的学校好吗?(could you please do sth/show sb around?)
16.别忘了给我打电话(forght to do sth)
17.公园里有一些人正在唱歌.跳舞(there be+ n +doing sth)
18.在阳光看书对你的眼睛有害(li's + 形容词 + for.../to do sth)
20.你为何不跟我们一起去呢?(why not do sth)

拜托了帮帮忙 这都是仁爱英语一年级下册的题 回答出来我谢死你了

第1个回答  2010-08-03
1 it`s time to go to school
2 it took me an hour to do homework
3 you`d better go there by bike
4 there is something wrong with my watch
5 she likes listening to music
6 i want to visit my parents
7 my mum tell me not to be late for school
8 that boy enjoys reading books on the bed
9 i didn`t go to bed until i watched that series
10 i am afraid that he could miss that flight
11 how do you like the weather in beijing
12 what`s your dog like
13 i saw her came into the office
14 he doesn`t like oranges at all
15 could you please take me visit your school around
16 don`t forget to call him
17 there are some peolple dancing and singing
18 it`s bad for you to read under the sun
19 how was the weather like yesterday
20 why not go with us



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