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Cuba continues to loom large in U.S. consciousness and politics. "Culture and Customs of Cuba" is a much-needed resource to give students and other readers an in-depth view of our important island neighbor. Luis, of Cuban descent, provides detailed, clear insight into Cuban culture in its historical context. Religion, customs, economy, media, performing and creative arts, and cinema are some of the many topics discussed. Included in this discussion are contributions of Cubans in exile which Luis considers an inherent part of Cuban culture. Encouraging a wider understanding of Cuba, this volume describes and highlights the cultures and customs of the island. Cuba, as one will learn while reading this book, is an island of many cultural customs that have evolved out of a rich history. Presented in the context of three interrelated periods in Cuban history: the Colonial, the Republic, and Castro's Revolution, this book explores Cuba's dynamic culture. Luis also notes the spread of Cuban culture abroad, where a significant part of the Cuban population has lived since the earl 19th century. Students and others interested in this country will find this book to be extraordinarily helpful and informative.

Havana Carnivals
"The Havana Carnivals of 1960 were the hottest in all the revolutionary period under Fidel Castro. People were not only celebrating freedom but it was the first anniversary of a government that seemed to promise a better future." If anyone thinks this info is worth merging, please do. Babajobu 15:34, 29 January 2006 (UTC)

The Cuban population is a melting pot of ethnic mixes from every corner of the world. In the early days slaves cross bread with masters creating the mulattos of today. Later, people of Russian, Chinese and European decent created the make up of today's Cuba. Nevertheless, three dominant chief roots melt, giving shape to the Cuban nation gradually making up the current ethnic society. First of these roots is that of the aborigines inhabitants; their ethnic contribution was reduced by the impact of the conquest and colonisation process. It is for this reason that the more significant roots in the Cuban nationality are Spanish and African. The first was the result of migration from the metropolis, which has been going on throughout our history more or less regularly. During the first centuries, after conquest, most groups came from Castile mainly from Southern of Spain. Later, massive migration arrived from Canary Islands, Galicia and Catalonia. More recently and during the last century Eastern European and Chinese immigrants have further enriched, what is, the unique racial mix that makes up Cuba today.
The African roots also left a very particular mark in the process of the formation of Cuban culture. Coming, primarily, from five different ethnic groups (yoruba, mandingas, congos, carabalies, bantu) as arriving slaves worked at the plantations giving place to new cultural associations among the African communities themselves. As mentioned, at the plantations, before abolition of slavery, began the process of syncretism among the slaves' and 'masters' creating this new culture and genetic mix, different from its origins. In the present definition of Cuban culture, these three roots shape the basis of traditions, culture and popular believes.

Typical Cuban food, amazing for the variety of dishes, the good seasoning and the amounts served, is usually saved for Christmas' Eve, New Year's Eve or big family occasions.
It all begins drinking iced beer, Bucanero or Cristal, with crisp pork rinds. Women are in charge of the black beans, yucca with a garnish of chopped parsley and onion with lemon; plenty of white rice, malanga or corn fritters, fried banana patty and tomato salad with lettuce. Men, gathered at the courtyard, see to the roast pig, which is placed on a spike above the charcoal fire, covered with leaves from a guava tree and sprinkled with sour orange juice from time to time. This can take several hours but, meanwhile, they keep on talking and drinking beers. Everything is served in dishes, except the pork, which is placed on a tray at the centre of the table. Cubans like to eat everything together, usually on the same plate. During dinner, beer and cold water are the beverages. Typical desserts are guava marmalade with yellow cheese slices and yucca crullers in anise-flavoured syrup. Having eaten to the point of contentment, they drink rum and dance till daybreak.
Typical Cuban dishes are: Black beans and rice, fried sliced banana, garlic marinades, rice dishes, boiled Yucca plant. Olive oil and garlic marinades are using used as sauces on most dishes. Meat is usually prepared roasted or in a marinade "creola" style.本回答被网友采纳



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