
to sum up, despite the fact that Kraft enhance the takeover bid, with more than 3 dollor as well as 0.26 new Kraft share for each Cadbury share, Cadbury shareholders should refused the takeover, because of its exellent performance in 2009. In fact, the value of Cadbury had increased when in the first time Kraft announced a takeover scheme. Overall, through the result that Cadbury had a strong growth of revenue in the fourth quarter of 2009, the shareholders should insist on rejecting the adverse takeover.

第1个回答  2010-01-22
已写的很好了,语法只有两个错处 (Kraft enhance,应该用has enhanced) ( should refused 应该用should refuse),您的字数只有九十几个,我稍微变动了表达方式,达到一百零几个,仅供参考:

In Summation, despite the fact that Kraft has increased the offer price to more than 3 dollars, as well as giving away 0.26 new Kraft share for each Cadbury share, Cadbury shareholders should refuse the takeover because the company had an excellent performance in 2009. As a matter of fact, the value of Cadbury’s shares had increased when Kraft announced the takeover scheme for the first time. In view of Cadbury’s strong growth of revenue in the fourth quarter of 2009 shown in the operation financial results, the shareholders should insist on rejecting this adverse takeover.
第2个回答  2010-01-22
IN CONCLUSION, despite the fact that Kraft IMPROVED the takeover bid, with more than 3 dollor as well as GIVING AWAY 0.26 new Kraft share for each Cadbury share, Cadbury shareholders should DECLINE the takeover GIVEN its exellent performance in 2009. In fact, the value of Cadbury had increased SINCE the first time Kraft announced a takeover scheme. Overall, CONSIDERING the result that Cadbury had a strong growth of revenue in the fourth quarter of 2009, the shareholders should insist on rejecting the adverse takeover.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2010-01-22
to sum up, despite the fact that Kraft (enhanced) the takeover bid, with more than 3 (dollors) as well as 0.26 new Kraft (shared) for each Cadbury share, Cadbury shareholders should (have refused) the takeover, because of its exellent performance in 2009. In fact, the value of Cadbury (/) increased (/) the first time Kraft announced a takeover scheme. Overall, through the result that Cadbury had a strong growth of revenue in the fourth quarter of 2009, the shareholders should insist on rejecting the adverse takeover
第4个回答  2010-01-22
To sum up, despite the fact that Kraft enhanced the takeover bid, with more than 3 dollor as well as 0.26 new Kraft sharing for each Cadbury share, Cadbury shareholders should refuse the takeover, because of its exellent performance in 2009. In fact, the value of Cadbury had increased when in the first time Kraft announced a takeover scheme. Overall, through the result that Cadbury had a strong growth of revenue in the fourth quarter of 2009, the shareholders should insist on rejecting the adverse takeover.




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