急~~·求跪 20个以“or"结尾的名词

要初中阶段的 请注明意思 谢谢了~····

第1个回答  2009-12-26
doctor (一生) inventor(发明者) professor(教授)factor(因素) cofactor(辅助因子)
tutor(大学)指导教师/ 助教/ 监护人,director主任
compositor排版师,collector收藏家, instructor教员/指导者 monitor(班长) actor (演员)governor(统治者) inspector(侦察者) tailor(裁缝) visitor(旅游者,访客)color(颜色) major(专业) collector(收集者 ) behavior(行为) equator(等式) elevator(电梯) senior(高中生) emperor (帝王)junior(初中生) addressor发件人本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-12-26
for, ( Her boyfriend bought a dress FOR her.)
nor, ( He does not understand your English, NOR do I.)

professor, ( My mom is an English PROFESSOR. She teaches English at this university.)
actor (Jacky Chan is a famous ACTOR.)
operator ( She is a phone OPERATOR at this hospital. Everyday she has to answer many phone calls.)
labor (Farming is a hard LABOR.)
tutor (My english is not good, but my sister is good at English, so I always ask her to TUTOR me in English.)

administrator (He is the system ADMINISTRATOR here. If you have any computer problems, please ask him.)

floor (How many FLOORs does The Oriental Pearl Tower 东方明珠电视塔 have? )
scissor (You have to use a SCISSOR to cut paper.)
mirror (mirror, MIRROR on the wall, please tell me who is the fairest of all)
razor ( All the boys have to learn how to use a RAZOR to shave when they grow up.)

monitor ( I have a 56 cm wide computer MONITOR. The screen is so big.)
capacitor (The monitor is bad. It will no longer power up. Maybe a few CAPACITORS have burned out.)

door (Do not open the DOOR to strangers. Remember the movie "Home Alone" 小鬼当家? You do not want to be like him, trust me.)


Victor (Victor is my brother's name)
harbor (Dalian 大连 is a HARBOR city.)
rumor (There is a RUMOR going around in our class that Mr. Li, our English teacher, may not teach us next year.)
humor (Do you like watching Chaplin's 卓别林movies? Do you enjoy his HUMOR?)

color ( I love the song "COLORs of the wind" by Vanessa Williams.)



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