

第1个回答  推荐于2017-05-18
Differences Between the US & China

Social Structure

China has a very formal and hierarchical social structure that
extends to business, institutional and family life. For example,
children are expected to respect their elders with the oldest family
member commanding the greatest respect. In America, there is greater
fluidity between groups with workers, managers, children and adults
often making joint decisions and enjoying social occasions together.

Collectivism vs. Individualism

In China, people think about ideas in a collective sense, often
considering how their actions will affect their friends, neighbors and
colleagues before making a decision. Decisions are more commonly made
for the greater good as opposed to personal gain. In America,
prioritizing individual goals and motives over collective ones is
considered the norm. This ethos is often actively encouraged to
stimulate ambition and a drive to achieve business and personal success.

Business Relations

Business relations reflect the collective and individual nature of
both societies. In China, the term 'guan xi' is commonly used, which
refers to the importance of building social networks in order to conduct
business. This is reflected in the importance of socializing with, and
getting to know, counterparts before a deal is signed. Consequently,
securing a business deal in China is often a lengthy process. Business
in the US is a more cut throat process with emphasis being placed on
speed and efficiency over building relationships.

Morals and Values

Humility and respect are very important in Chinese culture.
Individuals are expected to treat each other well and to show modesty
when discussing successes, or to not discuss them at all. In America,
people are comfortable openly discussing, playing up and praising
success with humility being seen by some as a weakness.

Additionally, in China, there is a strong sense of right and wrong.
In America, there are more gray areas with questions of morality being a
matter for discussion as opposed to being set in stone.

Freedom of Expression

The Chinese are strictly bound by protocol and so it is better to
'save face' by respecting and honoring the opinion of others, even if
you believe what they are saying is incorrect, than to demand that
others agree with your way of thinking. American culture is much more
direct with people being encouraged to debate contentious issues even if
it leads to confrontation.本回答被网友采纳



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