我的班主任 My Head teacher


第1个回答  2022-10-05
a middle-aged man
is my teacher
my head teacher in my senior middle school. He taught us both math and Chinese. He is very kind and well respected by all of us. He had a special characteristic
which is humor. And because of his humor
all the students love his lessons. He is my most unfettable teacher in my memory.
  After graduated from junior middle school
I went to the senior middle school where he was for further study. On the first day of the new term
I found that I was arranged in his class. I didn't meet him before until the first class. I just imagined in my mind what did he look like.
  The very moment he came into classroom
I saw him
he is very short and rotund just like the bulky panda
he had a sandy- colored moustache
which gave me a sense of eccentric
a freckled forehead and hardly any hair
he was wearing a eed suit and a pair of flaring leather shoes. It is said that he was very *** art
humorous. I came to know his *** artness from his baldhead
but I had no idea about his humor
because I never saw that.
  The first class had begun. It was a Chinese lesson
and the first lesson is a Chinese prose from Zhuziqing's the The Lotus Pool By Moonlight(荷塘月色) .I remembered clearly that there was a paragraph described the waved lotus leaves like the song floats in the air from the far distance.( The breeze carried past gusts of fragrance
like the strains of a song faintly heard from a far-off tower. 微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。)And out of my expectation
he sang a song
" There is a good miss in that faraway place..."(在那遥远的地方有位好姑娘) He sang very sweet with his eyes closed and his right hand waved softly like touching a sleeping baby. And his body shook
too. Although his voice was not very sweet
everybody sang with him
we were so delighted that we had fotten class was over. After that
thunderous applause broke out in the whole classroom.
  He teach math better than Chinese
I think many people will agree with me
because generally speaking
a man with a bald head is more clever than others. Exactly
a lot of famous
prosperous people
such as mathematician
scientist and so on all had a baldhead. Once he laughed himself
"When the water turn warm in the spring
the duck know earlier than other animals
and when it rains I know earlier than you."(春江水暖鸭先知,天上下雨我先知) And an uproar of laughter broke out in the audience again.
  Another math class he taught us read mathematic sign
because he had never learned English
and lots of signs are all short for English
his pronunciation is also terrible. I can still remember
the most interesting thing was that he pronounce the sign "log"
he pronounce [lo] very long
and [g] very short
[lo] last for about three seconds and [g] less than one second. And we all laughed again. Perhaps he realized his wrong and funny pronunciation
his face flushed. From then on
we all called him Mr. Log
and the nickname was accepted by almost the whole students included him. Then Mr. Log was very famous through the school. Now I think his reputation is mostly ascribed to this special nickname.
  About half a year later
Mr. Log was di *** issed. We couldn't understand why such an excellent teacher will be di *** issed. Somebody said
he conflicted with the headmaster because of his different teaching concepts with other resigned
I thought.
  This winter holiday
I back to school to join a student meeting
I saw him again. He looked older
the crease in the forehead was deeper than before
hair became a little white
although he was a middle- aged man
he is a real old man now. He didn't recognize me when I past by him.
At that time
I felt something cold like ice slide over my heart.
  He is no longer a teacher now
but his vivid classes and humorous teaching style will survive in my heart forever.



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