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第1个回答  2009-09-20
The road of life in countless, each person is different, we believe that the most important thing is how to position themselves in time to find the road to development suited to their own lives.
Life is the sea, have to learn at the helm. Be according to their own inclination, conditions and preferences to determine the course. Only when we constantly investigate their own career expectations of planting, determine a reasonable career goals, follow the "needs of the community to obey the principle of the principle advantages are conducive to the principle of the development of talent," and from a small start, the lofty vision into reality to show the efforts of Among the step by step to fulfill their duties, to prepare for future development. In other words you can first choose a profession, continue to improve their social viability, increase work experience, and then by virtue of their own efforts, through the proper occupational mobility,
To the progressive realization of self-worth. Survey shows that traditional English training of professionals training plan for students, due to have only a single English language skills can no longer meet the needs of employers, human resources market, a single type of English, the shrinking demand for graduates. Therefore, the English professional training required to develop complex training model, the only way to meet the national construction and social development needs. No matter what kind of job can not all smooth sailing, especially university graduates started his career, ups and downs, ups and downs Ke Hum inevitable end, in the pre-employment should do stand
Setbacks, well-prepared psychologically. No matter what kind of setbacks and failures, first of all to remain calm, calm face, and then carefully look for the causes, reasonably attributable to, do not despair, low self-esteem, or complaining, we should adopt a positive attitude and trustworthy way to improve, sum up experience , humbly ask for advice, when necessary, you can turn to experienced senior or professional. In order to bail out as soon as possible, bottomed out.
Students, please cherish every day in school and cherish this piece provides us with spiritual food heaven and earth. In this piece of soil in a positive gain knowledge of nutrition.
The road of life in countless, each person is different, I think, the most important thing is how to position themselves in time to find the road to development suited to their own lives.
第2个回答  2009-09-15
The road of life in countless, each person is different, we believe that the most important thing is how to position themselves in time to find the road to development suited to their own lives.

Life is the sea, have to learn at the helm. Be according to their own inclination, conditions and preferences to determine the course. Only when we constantly investigate their own career expectations of planting, determine a reasonable career goals, follow the "needs of the community to obey the principle of the principle advantages are conducive to the principle of the development of talent," and from a small start, the lofty vision into reality to show the efforts of Among the step by step to fulfill their duties, to prepare for future development. In other words you can first choose a profession, continue to improve their social viability, increase work experience, and then by virtue of their own efforts, through the proper occupational mobility, to the progressive realization of self-worth. Survey shows that traditional English training of professionals training plan for students, due to have only a single English language skills can no longer meet the needs of employers, human resources market, a single type of English, the shrinking demand for graduates. Therefore, the English professional training required to develop complex training model, the only way to meet the national construction and social development needs. No matter what kind of job can not all smooth sailing, especially university graduates started his career, ups and downs, ups and downs Ke Hum inevitable end, in the pre-employment should do a good job of well-prepared psychologically to withstand setbacks . No matter what kind of setbacks and failures, first of all to remain calm, calm face, and then carefully look for the causes, reasonably attributable to, do not despair, low self-esteem, or complaining, we should adopt a positive attitude and trustworthy way to improve, sum up experience , humbly ask for advice, when necessary, you can turn to experienced senior or professional. In order to bail out as soon as possible, bottomed out.

Students, please cherish every day in school and cherish this piece provides us with spiritual food heaven and earth. In this piece of soil in a positive gain knowledge of nutrition.

The road of life in countless, each person is different, I think, the most important thing is how to position themselves in time to find the road to development suited to their own lives.
第3个回答  2009-09-15
One hundred RMB can even not touch me to translate this mass, let alone one hundred points. You must be joking.本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2009-09-15
oh.god.thank you.




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