

第1个回答  2014-05-08
When the off-season tourism market slump, the hotel itself is not only high costs and personnel expenses to mobilize large, affecting their own image, but also estranged relationship with partners and even competitors took the opportunity to take market. Season comes Hotels understaffed, but flawless service equipment wear and maintenance, which will not only affect the reputation of the hotel, a large number of visitors will be a burden to the tourism environment and cultural differences between tourists will increase the incidence of disputes.
Therefore, the hotel needs to do in the off-season for the price, marketing, service quality, service facilities preparatory work, step up publicity efforts to strengthen foreign relations, and good talent pool to work. Season comes good price adjustment, over-scheduled work under the premise of guaranteeing quality service and reasonable deployment of personnel; Foreign want to actively build partnerships, strengthen the off-season tourism promotion, public relations strategies appropriate to strengthen the work is essential.
第2个回答  2014-05-08
The tourism market of off-season is slump. The hotel itself not only spends high cost,but also has a big noise in personnel transfer, which impacts its image and also alienates relationships with the cooperative partners at the same time, and the competitors even take advantage of the occasion to take the market. When the peak season comes, the hotel is understaffed, the service equipment is badly worn without maintenance. These will influence the word-of-mouth of hotel. Besides, large numbers of tourists will bring burden to tourism environment, and the cultural differences among tourists will increase the incidence of disputes.
Therefore, in the off-season, the hotel needs to prepare for price, marketing, service quality and service facilities, intensify propaganda, strengthen the foreign relations, and do a good job of talent pool. When peak season comes, the hotel should do a good job of price adjustment and overbooked, reasonably allocate personnel on the premise of guaranteeing the quality of service. It is essential to more actively establish foreign collaborations, strengthen the off-season tourist publicity, as well as properly strengthen public relations strategy.

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