

第1个回答  2014-02-27
1-5 CDBAB 6-10 DBACD 11-15 BACAB
16-25 (One possible version)
16. traditional 17. bigger 18. As 19. since
20. to celebrate 21.of 22.or
23. is decorated 24.a 25. one
26-30 CDADC 31-35 BDBCA
36-40 DACCB 41-45 BDBDD
46-50 EDACF
基础写作 (One possibleversion)
This week, we had a discussion on how tolearn English well in our class. Some of us think it is important to learnEnglish grammar, because grammar rules help us avoid mistakes, while othersthink memorizing English words is important, since we must learn as manyEnglish words as possible in order to speak fluently.
Ithink both learning grammar and memorizing words are important, but it is stillnot enough. Some students are good at grammar and have learnt many words, butthey still can’t express themselves well in English. So, to learn English well,we should practice speaking, listening and writing as often as we can, and onlyin this way can we learn English well.
读写任务(One possibleversion)
The passage mainly tells us the importanceand benefits of reading. Readingprovides our minds with nutrition. No matter what field we are in, we can getthe latest information and learn more by reading.
Ialso benefit a lot from reading. On one hand, reading is a good way for me torelax and spend my spare time meaningfully. On the other hand, reading not onlyequips me with knowledge but also builds up my character.
The book that I love best is Forrest Gump. The book tells us the storyabout how Forrest Gump, who is low in intelligence, achieves success with suchpersonal virtues as kindness, honesty and selflessness. I enjoy the beautifullanguage, the wonderful plot as well as the vivid characters of the book.
Every time I read it, I am deeply moved and learn a lot about how to bea man. Forrest Gump guides me to gradually become a man with good morals. Iwill never give up in the face of difficulties.
第一节1-5 ABBAB
第二节6-10 ACBAB 11-15CBAAC
16-20 ABBCC
1. C。根据后文城里老鼠去了乡下的语境,可知乡下老鼠“邀请”了城里老鼠去乡下。
2. D。乡下老鼠的家在乡下,它最有可能把家安在“地”里。
3. B。根据of roots and corn可知它们坐下来吃“饭”。
4. A。但是城里老鼠吃不惯那里的东西,所以觉得食物“不好”。
5. B。它们在吃东西,故可知这里是指“吃”了一会后。
6. D。城里老鼠看到乡下老鼠吃得那么差,故说我“可怜的”朋友。
7. B。城里老鼠邀乡下老鼠去城里跟它“住”一段日子。
8. A。乡下老鼠想吃更好的食物,所以“答应”了。
9. C。乡下老鼠住在乡下,没见过大世面,故“从来没”见过那样的食物。
10. D。这些食物是城里老鼠“提供”的。
11. B。这里是指它们还没来得及“开始”时门就开了。
12. A。有人进来了,它们只好“逃跑”,躲了起来。
13. C。它们又出来了,说明又“安静”了。
14. A。乡下老鼠认为城里老鼠身边有太多的“危险”了。
15. B。乡下老鼠虽然吃得不是很好,但在地里它会过得很“安全”。
16. traditional。考查词形转换。用所给单词的形容词形式修饰后面的名词。
17. bigger。考查比较级。根据后面的than我们可以确定此处应用所给形容词的比较级。
18. As。考查关系代词。用关系代词as引导一个定语从句,意为“正如……的那样”。
19. since。考查介词。用介词since引出时间,表示动作开始的时间。
20. to celebrate。考查非谓语动词。用所给动词的不定式在句中作目的状语。
21. of。考查介词。be made of“由……制成”。
22. or。考查连词。用并列连词or表示选择。
23. is decorated。考查时态和语态。此处用一般现在时表示一般性的情况,并且句子的主语是所给动词的动作承受者,故用被动语态。
24. a。考查冠词。泛指时用a。
25. one。考查不定代词。此处用不定代词one构成“one of...”的结构,表示“……中之一”。
26. C。细节理解题。由第三段...a typical English breakfast is more likely to be a bowl ofcereals, a slice of toast, orange juice and a cup of coffee.可知早餐所包括的食物。
27. D。细节理解题。由文章最后一段可知D为正确答案。
28. A。细节理解题。由第四段Many children at school and adults at work will have a “packed lunch”.可知学生和上班族的午饭要便于带走,所以午饭要有盒子盛着。
29. D。猜测词义题。由最后一段最后几句话A typical British meal for dinner is “meat and two veg”. They put hot brown gravy (肉汤) on the meat and vegetables. One of the vegetables is almost alwaysthe potato.得知veg是指vegetables。
30. C。主旨大意题。综合整篇文章所述内容,本篇是讲述的英国人的一日三餐,其它选项比较片面。
31. B。词义猜测题。根据划线词后面的I thought her class would be very boring.可知Mr Livingstone知道他的学生要上Ms Livingstone的课后很“担心”。
32. D。推理判断题。根据第三段的...I am so lucky that I did. She brought the literature to liferight before my eyes.可推断Jack很喜欢Mrs Mcquillan的文学课。
33. B。细节理解题。根据第四段的He even got to eat a special lunch with her recently and it made hisweek!可知Mr Smith的儿子跟他的老师吃完午饭后高兴了一个星期。
34. C。推理判断题。根据末段的Mr Funk is an amazing history teacher and an amazing all-aroundperson; he never lets class get boring.可推断Mr Funk的历史课很生动,不会让人觉得无聊。
35. A。细节理解题。根据第二段的Mr Livingstone: Ms Livingstone had the same last name as me and Ioften spoke with her since we were colleagues in the same building.可知Mr Livingstone也在学校工作。
36. D。主旨大意题。通读全文,可知作者主要向我们介绍了一些学好英语的方法,故选D。
37. A。推理判断题。根据第四段的Yes, this is difficult, but English is a very big language, and thegood way to enlarge your vocabulary is to read it.可知他认为这样很难,但是可以帮助我们扩大词汇量,故很有用。
38. C。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的Find a few different websites that you can go to daily. Don’t pay for instruction over the Internet.可知作者在这一段建议我们找些免费的英语学习网站来学习英语。
39. C。细节理解题。通读全文,可知作者并没有建议我们有可能的话去说英语的国家练习英文。
40. B。推理判断题。根据全文可知本文主要介绍了如何学好英语,故本文是为英语学习者准备的。
Kennedy Odede建了一所学校,专门为当地那些上不起学的女孩子提供免费接受教育的机会。
41. B。细节理解题。根据第一段的The Kibera School for girls in Kenya offers free education,uniforms, books and meals to girls.可知这所学校的不同之处在于给学生提供免费教育。
42. D。推理判断题。根据第二段的The people of Kibera struggle to provide themselves with food,places to live in, clean water and good schools.可推断那里的很多人都过着贫困的生活。
43. B。细节理解题。根据第三段的…but a family member mustwork at the school for five weeks a year as a way to support a child’s education可知一位家庭成员需在学校工作几个星期。
44. D。推理判断题。根据Joyce Achieng在第四段所说的It is important for girls because if we don’t go to school, we will not achieve our goalsand our dreams will not come true, either. We will not be what we want to be inthe future.可知她认为这么一个机会非常重要,故可推断她为自己能有这么一个上学的机会而感到很高兴。
45. D。细节理解题。根据末段的Through sports, he encouraged young people to discuss problemsfacing them in their poor neighborhoods.可推断Kennedy Odede是想通过运动来鼓励别人谈论一些问题。第 3 期 B1 版 Keys: (One possible version, 客观题除外)

1. 17th 2. spelling 3. apartment 4. understood
1. German 2. French 3. vocabulary 4. America
5. Australia 6. identity 7. increasing
1-4 CABD
1. How I learned English.
2. great importance
3. watch many films and programs in Englishon TV; read English books; use English in one’s
4. Because she completely didn’t feel theneed to learn English.
5. Using English in our daily lives is thebest way to learn grammar.
第3 期B2 版Keys: (One possible version)
词语笔记 一、1. basic skills 2. was basedon the fact
3. On the basis of several discussions
二、1. becauseof illness 2. as a result ofcarelessness
语法撮要 1. Theteacher asked me if I could answer that question.
2. The teacher ordered the class to stoptalking.
3. The guard asked the visitor to show himhis ticket.
4. He asked me whether I would stay at homeor go to seea film that night.
5. He said that it was a clever monkey.
Friendly Football Match
A friendly football match will be heldbetween Jianghai Middle School
Football Team and Jiangbei Middle SchoolFootball Team.
Time: 2:00 pm, October 20, 2013.
Place: The school playground.
All the teachers and students are warmlywelcome.
The School Students’ Union of JianghaiMiddle School
第3 期B3 版Keys: (One possible version,客观题除外)
词语狙击 I. 1.Actually 2. identity 3. requested 4. recognize
5. commanded 6. vocabulary 7. voyage 8. accent
9. official 10. natives 11. frequently 12. spelling 13. usage
14. straight 15. lightning
II. 1. communicating with 2. Believe it or not 3. Because of
4. at present 5. such as 6. plays an important part in
7. even if 8. make good use of 9. is based on 10. came up
句型巡航 I. 1.because of 2. It is not easy 3. is also spoken
4. A large number of 5. actually 6. make good use of 7. such as
II. 1. such as Japanese and English
2. Even if we have much success
3. be different from what you expect
4. because of being hunted 5. although I begged him
6. more births than deaths 7. are requested not to smoke
8. because of; because
I. 1-5 CDCAB
II. 1. ordered Henry to get 2. him not to forget to answer the letter
3. asked her to do 4. suggested that they go
5. what a nice girl she was 6. warned her not to be
III. 1. have→ had 2. don’ t→ not to 3. traveled →travels
4.is→was 5. yesterday→the day before



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