哪位朋友帮忙翻译一下这句话,很急 是邮件的内容,请各位协助解决,谢谢。译成英语

我和你的同事Odie 打电话研讨了这件事,他说你不能接受工时上涨到20元每小时,这样我们打算双方做一些妥协,决定工时从16 元每小时涨到18元每小时.

第1个回答  2013-12-10
I have talked with Odie about your business.He suggests that both of us should make a compromise that the payment will increase to 18 yuan per hour from 16 yuan per hour,because you have refused to accept the requirement that the payment go up to 20 yuan per hour. 望采纳,希望有用
第2个回答  2013-12-10
I have talked with your colleague Odie on the phone. He said he cannot accept the increase of salary to 20 yuan an hour. So we decided to meet half way.As a result,we agreed to increase salary from 16 to 18 yuan per hour. 希望能采纳。
第3个回答  2013-12-10
We have communicated with your fellow Odie, he told me that you cannot accept the wages rising up to 20 dollars per hour, so we decided to make some compromise, the wages will be raised from $16/h to $18/h.
第4个回答  2013-12-10
i call your colleague to discuss the thing we have refered to before.he said that you couldn't agree the request that the salary should be added up to 20 yuan per hour.to make things better,we plan to come to an agreement with you that the salary will be increased from 16 to 18 yuan per hour.
第5个回答  2013-12-10
I and your colleagues Odie call for discussion about it, he says
you can't accept work up to 20 yuan per hour, so we're going to make some
compromise on both sides, decided to working hours from 16 yuan per hour up to
18 yuan per hour.本回答被网友采纳



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