
Q:It seems that any major initiative like this should come from the top down, but what happens when you run into an obstinate CEO who just doesn’t want to embrace risk management?
A:I'm going to give you actually two thoughts on this. The reality is, 1 think in some cases, its a hopeless cause, meaning that you will just have some individuals who will just be totally unconscious, or ignorant, to risk and ultimately lead organizations into destruction. And actually, when 1 was working at one organization my boss, a senior executive, decided to categorize our executive managers as it relates to risk into three categories: They were either considered risk-takers, which was the majority: the enlightened, which were the ones that considered risk early in their business decisions; or the ignorant or brain-dead. The reality is you can do a lot to try to change those that are brain-dead. But at the end of the day, i f those are the people that are leading your organization, you might want to think about working for another organization. Now, that's said in extreme. The other option is to really understand the motivations for why they are ignoring the risk. And if it truly is pressures around margins or survivability at the company, or because they haven’t felt the pain, I think that's where and when you're managing supply chain risk. You need to prioritize risk management activities around those things of greatest value and the greatest pain points. This is really where you need to spend the time and allocate the dollars. If I were to use a large beverage manufacturer as an example, and I tried to tackle this at the functional level that's probably not the right place to go to get some of the confidence you need in the executive management team. You really do need to go to that leading product, whatever it might be, to get them to acknowledge that yes, this is the real thing of vaJue here and it can be measured. You also need to translate that into real dollars, from an impact standpoint. And its not always revenue that s threatened. Sometimes its liquidity that's threatened, and as we know, it's the strategic value of the organization, the brand, or ability to comply with certain standards. So, all those have to be articulated, and depending on where you are in the marketplace, it's the risk manager's joh to put more emphasis on one versus the other.

第1个回答  2010-10-27
第2个回答  2010-11-06
第3个回答  2010-10-29




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