

第1个回答  2022-10-14
  一、单项选择 15小题,每小题1分,共15分

  从A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。

   1. — Is Yi Jianlian______NBA player?

  — He used to be. But now he plays for Guangdong Southern Tigers in CBA.

  A. a B. an

  C. the D. \

   2. — Why don’t you buy a camera?

  — Do you think I need to? My phone is often used______a camera.

  A. by B. for

  C. as D. with

   3. To plan your time better, you can make a______of the things you need to do first.

  A. list B. project

  C. number D. lot

   4. — How dangerous!

  — Yeah. The bus______hit the car just now.

  A. clearly B. normally

  C. nearly D. mostly

   5. — Can we pick some oranges to eat?

  — Can’t you see that they are green? They must be ______.

  A. sweet B. salty

  C. hot D. sour

   6. — If the Japanese football team had a match with the German football team, which do you think would win?

  — The German team would win without any ______. It’s a much better team.

  A. hope B. secret

  C. interest D. doubt

   7. — Why do many people buy things online on the 11th of November every year?

  — Because there are many sales. The prices are ______.

  A. much cheaper B. much lower

  C. more expensive D. much higher

   8. — How nice the fish ______!

  — Really? I am sure you’ll like it better if you try some.

  A. *** ells B. feels

  C. tastes D. sounds

   9. — Sorry, sir. But is this umbrella yours?

  — Oh, sorry. I just took it ______. Mine is under the seat.

  A. for yourself B. by mistake

  C. in person D. at last

   10. — The 20th World Cup______in Brazil, right?

  — Yes. It______this summer.

  A. held; took place B. was held; was taken place

  C. held; was taken place D. was held; took place

   11. Which of the following signs means “No locking”?

  A. B. C. D.

   12. — Michael Jackson was called the king of pop, wasn’t he?

  — Of course. He______by people all over the world.

  A. was looked up B. was looked up to

  C. looked up D. looked up to

   13. — Was table tennis invented by the Chinese?

  — No. It______in China until the start of the 20th century.

  A. played B. was played

  C. didn’t play D. wasn’t played

   14. — Do you know______in ancient China?

  — I have no idea. But I know people once used tree leaves to make paper.

  A. how paper was made B. how was paper made

  C. what paper was made D. what was paper made

   15. — Many thanks for what you’ve done for us.

  — ______.

  A. Don’t mention it

  B. Never mind

  C. That’s right

  D. You seem to have a point

  二、 完形填空15小题,每小题1分,共15分

  先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。

  Pets are part of people’s life. If you are like most people 16 have pets, you care for them as if they were your children. Meeting their needs is an 17 part of your day, because you want them to have everything they need. One thing they need but cannot tell you about is 18 .

  Many pet 19 put on animals’ music because this helps their pets to feel 20 when they are gone. Most people are 21 throughout the day, leaving their pets 22 at home. To make your pets feel fortable and safe, you could try putting on music before you23 the house.

  You might have to 24 music to see what type works for your pet. If you just want to keep your pet calm, you will need to play 25 music instead of rock or hip-hop music, which might 26 your pet.

  Also, you need to know that different pets act 27 to music. Hard rock music has also been found to work 28 to calm some pets, as well as piano music.

  29 piano music works well on most animals, it works best on cats.

  Playing music is also a great idea for people with 30 pets. They can have such a difficult time getting used to 习惯于 their new environment that they need all the help.

   16. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose

   17. A. *** all B. difficult C. important D. unimportant

   18. A. food B. money C. music D. interest

   19. A. owners B. scientists C. shops D. projects

   20. A. sadder B. angrier C. worse D. better

   21. A. at work B. at home C. at the door D. at the church

   22. A. aloud B. awake C. alone D. asleep

   23. A. buy B. leave C. build D. clean up

   24. A. change B. make C. write D. listen to

   25. A. noisy B. hard C. loud D. soft

   26. A. interest B. annoy C. worry D. entertain

   27. A. bravely B. correctly C. differently D. the same

   28. A. badly B. well C. hard D. closely

   29. A. Though B. Until C. Because D. Since

   30. A. big B. old C. little D. new




  The Coca Cola pany has an invention—the “PlantBottle”. It is partly made from plants and can be recycled 回圈. It shows how businesses can help to deal with the problem of climate 气候 change.

  Now the UK has a new light bulb that can last 25 years or more. It is green and environment-friendly 环保的, and as bright as the old light bulbs, but it costs£30.

  Good news for swimmers. Do you want to talk to your friends under the water? Rich Stachowski invented this Water Talky at the age of 10. This invention can amplify 扩大 voices underwater for up to 15 feet.

  If you sit in a chair for too long or in a bad position 姿势, your back may begin to hurt. Now there is a new chair that can help you avoid that. It was developed by German scientists. It makes noises to tell users when they need to move.

   31. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the “PlantBottle”?

  A. The bottle is pletely made of plants.

  B. It was a product of the Coca Cola pany.

  C. It costs much money.

  D. People can’t recycle it.

   32. The new light bulb ______.

  A. is brighter than the old ones

  B. isn’t good for the environment

  C. can last at least 25 years

  D. can last less than 25 years

   33. The Water Talky was invented by ______.

  A. German scientists B. a young child

  C. a UK pany D. some swimmers

   34. What will happen if you sit in the chair for too long?

  A. Your head will hurt.

  B. You will be very nervous.

  C. The chair will move.

  D. The chair will warn you to move.

   35. All the four inventions have something to do with ______.

  A. daily life B. the climate

  C. making money D. the environment


  Do you have the experience of taking music lessons against your wishes? Perhaps you have plained about it because you thought it took you much playtime. But now you’d better thank your parents for their time and money spent on your musical training. A recent study suggests music lessons can make children have better memories than their peers 同龄人.

  The Canadian study showed that after one year of musical training, children did better on a memory test than those who didn’t take music lessons.

  The researchers made the children aged between 4 and 6 into two groups — one group of children took music lessons outside school, and the other didn’t take any musical training. In one year, they took four tests in different times. The results showed brain 大脑 development changes at least every four months.

  The children taking music lessons not only did better in musical listening but also made faster progress in other ways, such as reading, writing, math and IQ.

  People say music is the good medicine 良药 for a broken heart. Now it seems music can also help us to improve our memories. We are sure to find more and more in the wonderful world of music.


   36. You’d better thank your parents for their time and money spent on your musical training because ______.

  A. you get well after you take music lessons

  B. you will make faster progress in every way

  C. music can help you to improve your memories

  D. music lessons have taken up most your free time

   37. The researchers made one group of the children aged 4~6 take music lessons for ______.

  A. six months B. a year

  C. two years D. four years

   38. The Canadian study showed that brain development changes ______.

  A. once a week B. twice half a year

  C. four times a year D. at least every four months

   39. According to the last paragraph, most people think music can make us ______.

  A. happy B. worried

  C. *** art D. confident

   40. What does the passage mainly tell us?

  A. How to bee cleverer.

  B. Music does us much good.

  C. What to find in wonderful music.

  D. Everyone should receive music training.


  Google and Toyota have worked together to create a new *** art car. It can run on the road without a driver. It drives itself. The self-driving car hasn’t been on sale to the public, so we don’t know how much it costs. Another thing most people want to know is whether it will be safe enough to run on the road.

  The self-driving car uses electricity as its power, and it can’t drive very quickly—the top speed would be 25 miles per hour. It is actually controlled by a puter system 系统 on the car. The system keeps on collecting rmation by some video cameras inside the car and a LIDAR sensor 镭射雷达感测器 on top of it. A puter processes the rmation and decides what to do. “The self-driving car has only buttons 按钮 for go and stop, so it’s very easy to use,” an engineer of Google says. “And what’s more, it will make car accidents less and make the world a safer place.” The self-driving car has driven hundreds of thousands of miles in California, and it has only gotten into two accidents by human mistake.

  According to CNN, self-driving cars will also help to reduce 减少 the number of cars in big cities. “Self-driving cars would be able to send you to the workplace and then pick up another person instead of stopping in a parking lot.”


   41. We don’t know the price of the self-driving car because ______.

  A. it is on sale only in America

  B. it isn’t made for sale

  C. people can get it for free

  D. it hasn’t been on sale to the public

   42. The self-driving car can collect rmation using ______.

  ①video cameras ②a puter

  ③a LIDAR sensor ④a puter system

  A. ①② B. ①③

  C. ①②③ D. ①②③④

   43. According to CNN, self-driving cars will ______.

  A. send us more quickly to the workplace

  B. lead to heavier traffic

  C. improve traffic condition in big cities

  D. carry more people than a normal car

   44. We can infer from the passage that the self-driving car would ______.

  A. be good for our environment

  B. be very cheap

  C. not follow humans’ order

  D. be on sale quickly

   45. Which is the best title for the passage?

  A. The best car in the world

  B. A new self-driving car

  C. How a self-driving car works

  D. A car invented by an American pany


  In Arizona, the USA, there is a new idea to make people have a healthy lifestyle — if overweight 超重的 people fail to follow their doctors’ advice, they could be charged 收费 $50 every year. If the new idea bees a law, *** okers who fail to follow a healthy lifestyle will also have to pay. People with children or who are overweight because of medical treatments would not be charged.

  Medicaid 医疗补助 in the United States is a health program which offers health insurance 保险 to poor people or families. Every year, it costs the government *** 339 billion dollars 2.2 trillion yuan. There are many other health programs like Medicaid in America. That is to say, America spends a large amount of money every year in keeping people healthy. So, it will be a terrible waste if American people don’t follow their doctors’ advice to keep healthy.

  After the idea was shown to the public, many people are too worried. Kyrsten Sinema, from Arizona’s government, said, “There isn’t a right way to decide whether someone is following his doctor’s advice or not.”

  Some overweight people believe the idea will work. Kevin Woodman, 46, lost 73 kg in nine months by eating less and exercising more.

  For some people, the idea isn’t necessary. In their opinion, people can look after themselves.


  A new idea to make people 46

  in the USA 47______ except people with children or who are overweight because of medical treatments will be charged if they fail to follow their doctors’ advice.

  The background

  背景 of the idea Many health programs in the USA spend 48______ every year in keeping people healthy. It will be a terrible waste if American people don’t follow their doctors’ advice to keep healthy.

  People’s different opinions about the new idea Many people are too worried.

  Some overweight people believe 49______.

  Some people think 50______.



  develop life though learn we France

  century read never keep one invent

  It is said that Thomas Alva Edison was the 51 person to say hello over the telephone. But Edison didn’t invent “hello”. As a matter of fact, the greeting 问候 had been used around for 52 before the invention of the telephone in 1876.

  In ancient times, people greeted 和……打招呼 each other with “hallow”, which may have e from the old 53 word “hola”.

  The Americans said “hullo” to each other every day. But “hello” became a way of making contact 联络 after the telephone was 54 .

  So, Edison made hello a popular greeting and an important part of 55 lives. But Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone, 56 liked “hello” and supported the use of “ahoy”.

  With the 57 of the telephone, “hello” became a general greeting very soon. Webster’s dictionary kept “hello” a greeting word even 58 Alexander Graham Bell said no to the greeting all his 59 !

  But the dictionaries continued to 60 “hello” a standard 标准的 greeting in the English language. Hello, Alexander Graham Bell, are you listening?

  51. ______  52. ______  53.

  54. ______  55. ______  56.

  57. ______  58. ______  59.




  A: Hello, Linda! Can I ask you some questions?

  B: Of course, you can.

  A: 61____________  ?

  B: I like music that has great lyrics. 62____________  ?

  A: I prefer music that’s very loud. By the way, 63____________  ?

  B: I like listening to music where it’s kind of quiet. 64____________  ?

  A: No, I dislike it. It always makes me sad. And I like places where a lot of people gather.

  B: Oh, you are outgoing, 65____________  ?

  A: Yes, I am.


  在学校举行的小发明大赛上,Andy的发明是 Cool Shoes,这种鞋子是用一种特殊材料做成的,可以根据脚的尺码调整大小。假设你是Andy, 请你根据下面的问题提示,以My cool invention为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍自己的发明。

  1. What problem do you want to solve?

  2. What’s special about your invention?

  My cool invention
  1-5 BCACD 6-10 DBABD 11-15 CBDAA

  16-20 BCCAD 21-25 ACBAD 26-30 BCBAD

  31-35 BCBDA 36-40 CBDAB 41-45 DBCAB

  46. have a healthy lifestyle

  47. Overweight people

  48. a large amount of money / a lot of money

  49. it will work

  50. it isn’t necessary

  51. first 52. centuries 53. French 54. invented 55. our

  56. never 57. development 58. though 59. life 60. keep

  61. What kind of music do you like

  62. What about you

  63. where do you usually listen to music

  64. Do you like it too

  65. aren’t you

  One possible version:

  My cool invention

  Many of us may have to throw away our shoes when they are too *** all for our feet. It’s a big waste. And sometimes new shoes can be too tight for us to wear.

  This will not be a problem if you wear my Cool Shoes. The shoes are made of special materials, which can grow with your feet and always fit your feet. What’s more, you don’t need to worry about wearing too *** all or too big shoes anymore.

  The shoes don’t cost much. So just have a try!



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