

第1个回答  2022-10-05
We have all fotten to do something. Often it can be too late once you remember, which means you are probably going to have to apologize for overlooking the matter.,我们都忘记过要去做某事。通常情况下,一旦你想起来已经为时已晚,这时你就需要为忘记这件事情而道歉。,That is what ‘overlooking’ essentially means, to fet or pass over something that needed your attention.,这就是“overlooking”本身的意思,即忘记或者忽略了那些需要注意的事情。,Usually, it is not a problem if it is a *** all thing, but if you have overlooked something at work, this can have much greater repercussions. If this has happened to you, then it is possible you are going to have to apologize to someone, maybe your partner or your boss!,通常情况下,如果忘记的是小事,那没有关系。但是如果你在工作中忽略了一些事情,那将产生巨大的影响。如果这件事情发生在你身上,那你就不得不向别人道歉,这个人或许是你的老板,或许是你的伴侣。,Here are ten different ways you can do it.,这里有十种不同的道歉表达。,I sincerely apologize for having overlooked the issue, it was a mistake, and I will make sure it doesn’t happen again.,我忽略了这个问题,为此我真诚地表达歉意,这是我的错误,我保证这不会再发生。,Unfortunately, I overlooked the issue, I apologize for any inconvenience I have caused.,不幸的是我忽略了这个问题,我为我造成的不便道歉。,Oh no, I pletely fot about it! I am so sorry.,哦,不,我完全忘记了!对不起。,Please five me; it was an oversight on my part.,请原谅我,这是我的疏忽。,I would like to apologize for having overlooked the matter.,我很抱歉忽略了这件事。,Please accept my sincere apologies for failing to take care of the issue. Is there any way I can fix it up?,我没有处理好这个问题,为此我表示诚挚的歉意。请问有什么方法可以补救吗?,I owe you an apology for not looking after this matter.,我为没有处理好这件事向你道歉。,I am so sorry that I overlooked our meeting the other day, could we reschedule?,很抱歉我忘记了我们的会议,请问可以重新安排吗?,I feel terrible and must apologize for any inconvenience caused by my fetting the issue.,我感觉糟糕透了,我必须为我忘记这个问题造成的不便而道歉。,I take full responsibility for having fotten to take care of that. Is there anything I can do to make it right?,我为忘记这件事负全责。我能做一些事去补救吗?,The next time you overlook something, remember to be honest about your mistake. Be sincere about your apology and explain how you will correct the problem you possibly caused. Doing this is the most effective way to apologize and be fiven by the person to whom you are apologizing.,下次当你忽略某件事情的时候,对于自己犯的错误要诚实。道歉要真诚,要说明你将怎样补救自己犯下的错误。这样做是最有效的道歉方式,也最容易被别人原谅。,声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。



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