

第1个回答  2016-07-15
今年暑假,我、妈妈和姐姐去了人间天堂、童话王国——美丽的九寨沟。  九寨沟一共有144个海子,其中包括小溪、河流、湖泊、瀑布,海子中最美的景色就是五彩池和珍珠滩和珍珠滩瀑布了!  五彩池虽然是九寨沟里最小的海子,却是最美的一处著名景点。你看五彩池里面的颜色多么丰富啊:红得似朝阳;黄得像黄金;蓝得宛如一片汪洋;绿得使人感到神清气爽;还有紫色让人沉浸在梦幻之中。  珍珠滩瀑布是九寨沟最大的瀑布,位于珍珠滩,景色雄伟壮观,它高二三十米,它宽一百多米,从上到下,凌空飞降,溅起的水花在阳光的照耀下,都变成了一颗颗五彩缤纷的小珍珠,十分引人注目。跟吸引人的是,这些顽皮的小珍珠一会儿跳到我的脸上,让我亲吻;一会儿蹿到我的背心,给我按摩;一会儿跑到我的脚上,为我挠痒……  然后,我们坐上了绿色观光车去原始森林。经过了半个小时的车程,我们终于来到了原始森林,举目四望,到处一片绿色,深绿.浅绿.明绿.暗绿,绿得难以形容,让人仿佛置身于林海之中,再加上那一座座拔地而起.各不相连的山峰,构成了一幅绝妙的山水画,乃至大自然神奇的杰作。这里一连四季.景色各异,使九寨沟永远充满生机与活力!  因为有了这奇山圣水,所以九寨沟成为了名副其实的人间仙境。
第2个回答  2016-07-15
In the 60s of the 20th Century, the horse trail and hillside paths of Jiuzhaigou were the only link between the self-sufficient life of local Tibetans and the outside world. According to the Records of Nanping County - Jade Lake , Jiuzhaigou is within the boundary of Yangtong Tibetan-inhabited area, with valleys as long as several kilometers, where lake water is green and reflects the nearby forest images. Its virgin forests had not been disturbed until the end of the 1960s when large groups of lumber workers started work at Jiuzhaigou. In 1975,the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry sent a team to Jiuzhaigou for field investigation, who were surprisingly impressed by its natural beauty and immedialely publicized their surveys and comments - Jiuzhaigou collects rich and rare animal and plant resources, and most of all. it is to become a place of scenic interest well-known throughout the world. After their visit, Professor and Expert of Forestry Wu Zhonglun, president of the Chinese Academy of Forestry, together with officials of Sichuan Forestry Department, visited Jiuzhaigou and completed a fullround investigation. They prepared a document requesting Sichuan People's Government and Sichuan Forestry Department lo lake immediate measures for conservation of Jiuzhaigou's resources. Sichuan Forestry Department worked out an official document to notify Nanpin County Forestry Bureau that felling could only take place 200 meters away along the Zechawa Valley and Rize Valley . This is the earliest formal measure taken to conserve Jiuzhaigou resources. In 1977, Sichuan Rare Animal Investigation Team proposed that Nanping While River Nature Reserve be extended to cover the Jiuzhaigou area. In the same year, the Academia Sinica (Chengdu Branch) again stated the significance and necessity for setting up the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve.Furthermore, they reported the matter directly to the Academia Sinica headquarters.Sichuan CPC Committee and Sichuan People's Government.



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