什么情况下 现在分词和过去式要双写之后➕ing和ed


第1个回答  2014-04-13
像go swimming这样的特殊短语还有很多。如 go shopping ,go boating, go fishing , go hiking , go running 等.
这样的短语还有很多,如go hiking去远足 go shopping去逛街 go running去跑步
1) 只可以加Ving的词:
m: mind miss mention
p: permit practise participate postpone

r: rist resist resent resume

c: consider

a: avoid admite

f: finish face fancy

e: enjoy excuse escape

d: deny delay defer

i: involve imagine

s: suggest

k: keep

2) 既可加 Ving 有可加to do 且意思没有区别的词:

双方一旦开始( start begin ),无论喜欢(like prefer )与否( dislike hate ), 都得继续( continue)下去, 都不能打算( intend attempt propose )忽视(neglect)开始(commence )的爱(love ),习惯(be accustom )也好,害怕( be afraid to do / of doing )也好,难以忍受(can't bear )也好.

3)既可加 Ving 有可加to do 且意思有区别的词:

regert / forget / remember to do sth 没有去做某事

regert/ forget / remember doing sth 做了某事

try to do 尽力去做某事 try doing sth尝试去做某事

mean to do意图 ,打算去做某事 mean doing意味着什么

stop doing 停止做某事 stop to do 停下来去做某事

go on doing ( 一件事)go on to do(二件事)

4)只可以加 to do 的动词:

would like to do sth

it is important/ necessary / advisable ----to do
常常表示去做某事。 在什么情况下swimming才要去掉ing? 这个问题的话,
1. 一般现在时态做谓语,如 they swim in the pool .
2. 一般将来时做谓语,如 they. will swim in the pool.
3. Let us swim ! !
4. to swim , 动词不定式 。



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