What is conformity


第1个回答  2022-07-20

Conformity refers to the tendency of individuals' ideas and behaviors to conform to the majority due to the direct or implicit guidance or pressure of the group. Conformity is very common in our daily life. For example, when you go to a friend's birthday party and someone sings a song off the cuff, everyone gives him a big round of applause even though he doesn't sing very well. That's the behavior of conformity. Here,we're going to talk about why people follow the crowd, and the negative consequences of it.

Why do people conform

According to Asch's famous conformity experiment, it is now generally believed that conformity behavior occurs because individuals are subjected to information and normative pressure in the group. First, experience leads people to believe that the majority is more likely to be right. In ambiguous situations, the lack of a frame of reference leads people to believe the majority and behave in conformity. Secondly, individuals in a group often do not want to be regarded as deviants by other members because they violate the group standards, so as to isolate themselves. Therefore, the majority opinion is adopted.

The consequences of conformity

Conformity can have some negative effects. On the individual level, in some cases, we have to follow the opinions of the group under the

pressure of the group, which may require us to give up our own ideas or opinions. On the group level, once the group's opinion is wrong, and the individual is unable to reverse it, it may bring huge losses to the group.


Conformity is of great concern to psychologists, who are dedicated to discovering the nature of conformity, its influencing factors, and how to avoid its negative effects. Many psychologists now repeat Ashe's experiments, but they haven't get the same results. In other words, people today may be less susceptible to group pressure and more able to stick to their own ideas.



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